Thursday, July 9, 2009

Assclown Non-Working Workers.

You set the alarm, get your ass out of bed and beautify your face so you can head to the club with your girls. Walking in, you hear some tunes and start to shake your ass. The lights are flickering, the bass is pumping and you know this is going to be a fun night. hear emo people shouting out their insignificant little dramas into your bubble. Bet you wished you worked here. Well, you shouldnt. And here is why...

  • I cannot stand people who want to work so badly at one of these clubs and then have the nerve to bitch and moan because they cant do shit their way. They are so self absorbed, these little shits assume they can do whatever, whenever. NEWSFLASH: You wanna run some shit? How bout you infest your money into owning a club and then talk to me about who has the right to instill what rules.
  • Yes, I am the first to say RL comes first. But playing up that excuse of "I should be able to basically have any schedule I want because my RL is so busy," is a crock of shit. Is it that busy when you are sucking your mans dick? How bout when you are being a shopaholic? There will always be priority. But in all actuality, there are people who are running a business and it doesnt include making your RL schedule their priority. So keep the job and pick a shift or fucking bounce. Its not that hard. Just dont be emo about it.
  • Asking someone for advice on an event and in turn, taking that persons idea completely is fucking lame. If you cant think up something on your own, the least you could do is give credit where credit is due. This is called intellectual property. And people have a right to keep this property without you claiming it in one conversation. This one pisses me the fuck off because its very easy to say, I need always have me. And then stomp around when shit doesnt go their way and these shits try to use that idea as leverage. Well, feel free to keep walking because you have no leverage. The idea was mine and I can prove it and Im not going anywhere.
  • Passive aggressive people really just need to fall off the face of the earth. Just die already. Im begging you.
  • Working at a place only to talk shit about it when you think you are going to get are a clown. Please dont tell me your itty bitty fucking event is "well established." Ive seen well established. Ive seen events, clubs and people who have taken the time to make a real outstanding name for themselves. Talking shit is just that, talking shit. I dont have to hang out somewhere to acknowledge that it is respected in terms of what it brings for entertainment value. Again, you give credit where credit is due and you STFU otherwise.

This post is very fucking specific. I cannot stand DJ's who willing take a job somewhere and then get pissy because they arent treated like Gods. You arent a God. WTF is your major malfunction. You are some bitch who spins tunes...bad ones. Kelly Clarkson at an Industrial Club...really? You are serious? I am by far not perfect but the difference between us is I make choices and in turn I respect a manager/owners right to say "Thats a no go." Its always the bitches who do absolutely nothing that wanna pipe up and say how much they have brought to the table. If you were really an asset, you would never have to say what youve done. Ive done a lot of work in my time around, a lot of it unnoticed, but I know I did it and thats all I fucking need. You want a trophy for showing up to work? When you pay rent, you can say whatever the fuck you want. Until then, take your rainbow bright ass to the nearest grocer, by a bic razor and shave your eyeballs. This makes me smile.

FTN! to whiney ungrateful backstabbing lowlife scum who think they could ever possibly run shit. Im laughing at you right now. Cuz youre an assclown.

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