Sunday, July 19, 2009

TMI Pt. 2

And so it continues, the Kitty Bish gets a message while in busy mode (because I actually get busy, hah, not that kind shut up...well at least not at that moment, anyways!)

-- Instant message logging enabled --
[0:30] Him: can i ask you something....? <-My busy mode message says ~Sleep~
[0:30] Him: ok nm
[0:31] Him: im totally convinced you hate me <-Obviously me sleeping means we can still talk
[0:31] Him: so there <- Oh boy, he got me, gee whiz!
[0:33] Him: and yes i know if you really did hate me you would have just taken me off of your friends, but im still conviced you hate me <- I dont hate anyone, people just annoy me, get it right
[0:39] Him: and again, i also understand i am a complete idiot quite often...but earlier was kinda mean.....ok no it was borderline brutal.... i understand you may have been upset about something or w/e, but it didnt need to be taken that far. Yes you have talked about things.....before. no it wasnt just with me, but it has been talked about. The oly reason i came to talk to you, was because i thought it would be nice to talk to you, the subject was a stupid reason, yes, but otherwise i like talking to you. Yes iI do, like i already said, have a tendacy to say something that shouldnt be sai in the first place, but i would like to talk to you normally about ANYTHING and hopefully be a better friend to you, but after getting my soul ripped apart like that, i dont know if you like talking to me. I am only telling you all this because i still want to be your friend. But i want to know something, so heres your choice. If you believe tht what you did earlier was the right thing to do, the please delete me from your friends so <-He gave me an ultimatim! Because I am a ripper of souls, you go boy!
[0:40] Him: I dont bother you anymore with anything, but if you would still like to be my friend and talk to me, like i do you, then please just tell me you dont hate me. thats all im asking
[0:40] Him: the choice is yours....hope your happy with the choice you decide too
[0:41] Him: *to choose <- I come back to that message and Im just moved to tears -.-
[0:52] Me: Okay ******, what exactly have I talked about with you or anyone in private ims that wasnt welcomed conversation?
[0:54] Him: im not saying it wasnt welcomeed convo, but around the time i first met you, when we were on the rooftop, it was you, me, ***, and ***, if i remember....and you guys were talking about....things.....that were probably better off kept personal <- We talked about squirting, cumming in socks and shooting ping pongs...normal dinner convo amongst adults all laughing and engaging in said convo
[0:54] Me: I ripped out your soul? Are you serious? Let me let you in on something. I may be loud and vulgar and in your face but I never discuss who i fuck or when im fucking with anyone. Thats just tasteless. Second, I dont have any issue, I dont like people coming to me with verbal vomits over going to fuck their girlfriend. Why would I care if you bought a dick?
[0:54] Me: Um we were having a conversation an adult convo
[0:55] Me: Did I im you privately and talk to you about anything we joked about on that roof?
[0:55] Me: No because an im is personal
[0:55] Him: no, i already said no
[0:55] Me: I dont know what made you overthink this and bring it up now but you seriously have some major issues my dear.
[0:56] Me: You want me to say sorry for not wanting to know about your cock? Well, where the fuck is my apology for assuming im out fucking anyone with the "what or who you doing comment"
[0:56] Him: did i evr say i wanted an apology? no <- Nope, he just wanted me to choose at hell knows what time of night whether we should be friends...veryyyy important
[0:56] Me: Do you see me crying when peopel say things I dont like? No, you know why, because everyone has a right to their voice, I just dont wanna hear yours when you babble about your new dick...
[0:56] Me: Youre coming to me to make a choice
[0:56] Me: Who do you think you are exactly
[0:56] Me: You can delete me just the same, no?
[0:56] Him: then you coulda just told me to stfu about it, you dont care and left it at that <-Really?
[0:57] Me: Aint no loss for you since Im "sooo brutally mean" right?
[0:57] Me: Didnt I do that?
[0:58] Him: asll i asked was that you say you dont hate me, i never asked for you to say sorry
[0:58] Him: like i told you, i do realize how stupid i was for bringing you into something soo stupid.... <-Like this convo
[0:58] Me: Would it matter if I did hate you
[0:58] Me: It doesnt
[0:58] Him: as a matter of fact yes it does
[0:59] Me: Well, it shouldnt
[0:59] Him: well, if i want to be your friend, it sure as hell does
[0:59] Me: I dont have to like you or how you carry yourself just like plenty of people dont like me for the way I talk or act or think
[0:59] Me: You dont even know me to want to be my friend ***
[1:00] Me: We hang at the same spot, we dont have to know eachother. I can be cordial and not be buddy buddy with people
[1:00] Me: Have you seriously been stewing on this all night, because you need to focus your energy somewhere else
[1:00] Him: i want to get to know you, thats why i try talking to you, yes i dont come to you about better things.....which i have to work on, but i would like to be friends with you shasta
[1:01] Him: i respect how you arent afriad to tell someone like it is, and that your a very strong minded person who is very independant <- Flattery gets you...nowhere
[1:01] Me: Okay but thats not how you came at me
[1:02] Me: Feel free to read back what you said earlier
[1:02] Him: i understand what i said was harsh and sorry, again my verbal skills need some work.... <-Sorry # 1 of this convo
[1:02] Him: and im sory for coming to you with stupid shit like a new dick or somethnig tat shouldnt be talked about <- Sorry # 2 of this convo
[1:03] Him: at the end of it all
[1:03] Him: im just trying to talk to you
[1:03] Him: thats all
[1:03] Me: Heres why we can be cordial but not friends. You say sorry for everything. You cant stand on your own too feet to just say how you feel and stick by it.
[1:03] Me: You know how many times people get mad at me for what I say?
[1:03] Me: But I have to own it
[1:03] Me: and How I feel
[1:04] Him: i havent gotten to exoress how i feel about a lot of things....which is ver damaging to my being able to stand up for what i say and own up
[1:04] Him: *express
[1:04] Him: during my life
[1:05] Him: and i wish i could be more lie you when it comes to that
[1:05] Him: *like
[1:05] Me: Okay well thats another thing. My time here is my SL, not my time to figure out your RL/SL expression
[1:05] Him: im not asking for you to care about my rl/sl anything
[1:06] Me: But thats your reasoning
[1:06] Him: its not
[1:06] Him: im just saying that no i dont speak my mind freely like you do
[1:06] Him: no i cant stand up against people and w/e
[1:07] Me: I seriously dont know what you are expecting from me right now
[1:08] Him: all i want, is to be able to talk to for you to feel you can do the same.....thats all i ever wanted.... <- Yeah I got nothing for that one
[1:08] Me: I think its funny you assume I must have been upset about something or whatever, like you said when in all actuality, Im just highly uninterested in miniscule details of other peoples existances that arent really my concern
[1:08] Me: Okay well I still dont get why you are so drawn to needing to know you can talk to me and vice versa
[1:08] Him: i said may have been
[1:08] Me: We didnt make some grand connection so what do you want?
[1:08] Him: its just to be a friend
[1:08] Him: thats all
[1:09] Me: Okay well you cant beg for an unfounded or valid friendship
[1:09] Me: I dont think we have anything in common to be honest
[1:09] Me: Either people click or they dont
[1:09] Me: Do we seriously have to click? <- My not clicking list is far longer than my clicking
[1:09] Him: well, no thats true
[1:10] Him: the i guess that im no use to you as a friend
[1:10] Him: *then
[1:10] Me: Okay and being emo really helps right now
[1:10] Him: oh sure cuz im totally being emo <- Um yeah!
[1:10] Him: i was just saying that theres no point
[1:10] Me: Listen, Im sure you're a nice guy and you have fun and make people laugh and can be genuine in your own way
[1:10] Me: Yes, you are being emo actually
[1:11] Me: But friendship is something that grows, that formulates between people when there is...chemistry of sorts. Im confused as to why you are so drawn to be sure I like you <- Besides the fact that I am a fly ass bish, but I dont do begged connections
[1:11] Me: It doesnt matter if I do or dont, you got ur friends and people that make you happy, youve known me what...a few weeks?
[1:11] Him: it was just a hope that it could work out, but i was totally wrong
[1:12] Me: You act like we were dating *** <- Yeah...we're NOT!
[1:12] Me: Like its all tragic
[1:13] Him: i would try explaining that, but whats the point? you dont care <- i,e please say you do
[1:13] Me: No feel free because it seems like youre trying to guilt trip me which really sucks as a gesture
[1:13] Him: well, do you?
[1:14] Me: Do I what?
[1:14] Him: care about anything I am saying? <- Told you so!
[1:14] Me: Im trying to understand you <- Like going to Ripley's Believe It Or Not
[1:14] Me: Youre making no sense and sounding like Im breaking up with you or something far more serious than two aquantances who just have nothing in commmon
[1:19] Him: thers nothing more worth saying.....cuz its true
[1:19] Him: i took this and made it into something huge, when all i was hoping to get out of it was your friendship
[1:20] Him: just to see a click
[1:20] Him: but now i understand
[1:20] Me: Asking for a friendship doesnt mean youll get it
[1:20] Him: yeah
[1:21] Him: no, your right...absolutely <-I think he's sleepy
[1:21] Me: Okay <- And Im bored
[1:21] Him: well then
[1:21] Hm: i feel like an idiot
[1:22] Me: Sorry to hear that.
[1:22] Him: no its not you, im just suprised i didnt get it earlier
[1:23] Me: Get what? <- Curious cats FTN themselves...kill me now
[1:23] Him: what i was doing, acting like a fuckin drama queen about it all
[1:24] Him: well, im sorry about all sure thi isnt something you wanted to waste your night with either... <- Sorry # 3 of this convo
[1:24] Me: It happens <- Far too often but yayyy FTN! was born from it
[1:25] Him: i guess ill ask one more stupid question before i leave you's you night been "aside from this whole conversation)
[1:25] Me: Its been okay, Im looking forward to tomorrow
[1:26] Him: oh, whats going on tomorrow?
[1:26] Me: Dressing up and hopefully going dancing
[1:26] Him: oh cool, hope that you have fun with that

BTW, I so did! The point of this post is not bring me stupid shit if you dont want me to comment. Do not try to reprimand me for having an opinion on said stupid shit. Do not try to guilt trip me, reverse psychology my ass, passively be aggressive and or any other tactics you learned watching America's Next Top Model in your basement. I dont give a fuck if you dont like what I say. You dont have to give a fuck about me or my opinions. Its a mutal fucking freedom here people! Now, if you feel so inclined to give me stupid shit...then just know, I dont bite my tongue much. Im not overtly evil, I dont go out of my way to hurt people or make people cry. But I will be honest with you. And right now, you might think that sucks. But someday, youll look around at people you have no respect for, people who smile to your face and talk nothing but shit behind your back and YOU WILL appreciate my blunt demeanor. You dont have to believe me right now...but trust.

FTN to people wanting rose colored glasses versus true sight. You aint getting it here hombre.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

Feel free to save any comments on this one, I dont drag people on blast, I put them on blast once and Im done. I dont endlessly torment, I make my point and enjoy the life Im livin' Nuff said.


  1. you were actually way nicer and articulate than I woulda been and I am a emo bish lol. Man that was actaully painful reading all that doods insanity. Glad it was you and not me :)

  2. And they say Im evil, bah, lol.
