Monday, July 27, 2009


So The Kitty Bish decided to go down her list and random a bunch of old faces...see who poked back...Oh the fucking joys of randoms.

[2009/07/20 20:22] Me pokes you <- Because Im cool like that.
[2009/07/20 20:22] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.-- Instant message logging enabled --
[8:33] Sir Dorksalot: lo
[8:33] Me: hey you!!!!!!
[8:33] Sir Dorksalot: sup?
[8:33] Me: hows it going? Im doing well
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: quite fine, poked into sl
[8:34] Me: very cool
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: been gone from sl for a few months now
[8:34] Me: awwww <-Okay I was bored, sue me.
[8:34] Me: took a break?
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: nah
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: quit
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: just in and seeing if they have improved anything
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: no interest really
[8:34] Me: awww <- Very interested.
[8:35] Me: well, its good for you to say hi
[8:35] Sir Dorksalot: isnt it? ;) <- I hate your face if this is it, by the way.
[8:35] Me: lol
[8:36] Sir Dorksalot: so whats new on your end?
[8:37] Me: nothing much, living on the island, taking it easy
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: what brings you to im me all of the sudden? :)
[8:37] Me: went down my calling cards, said hi to a bunch of people <- I.E. You are not special.
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: aha
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: to see who was still around?
[8:37] Me: pretty much
[8:38] Sir Dorksalot: I imagine quite a few has moved on as lindens doesnt seem to wish to improve the technology really <- Wheres my blankie and pillow?
[8:39] Sir Dorksalot: feel free to pop me a tp if you fancy company tho <- Um why?
[8:42] Sir Dorksalot: unless your busy lol <- I wasnt, just not sending a tp to techie boy. I can be bored in ims alone, thank you very much.
[8:42] Me: ohhh you meant right now, lol <- You like how I played that off? Me too.
[8:42] Sir Dorksalot: no, I meant six years from now ;p
[8:43] Sir Dorksalot: of course I meant now :p
[8:43] Me: i thought you meant like the next time you were around
[8:44] Sir Dorksalot: well, since I havent been online for oh six months or so I doubt I'd be around soon ;)
[8:44] Me: well then poo to you, i dont wanna see ya if you aint coming around :P <- In other words, I poked you to say hi, not invite you over for dinner.
[8:45] Sir Dorksalot: give me some incentive then :P <- I dont know whats creepier, asking for incentive or the continuous use of sticking out the tongue. Thats nasty.
[8:45] Me: incentive?
[8:46] Sir Dorksalot: yeah, you know like a reason
[8:46] Me: whats a good reason?
[8:46] Sir Dorksalot: for hopping onto sl? is there one?
[8:47] Me: okay you lost me <- Please dont ever find me...ever, with your dangly doggy tongue.
[8:47] Me: you want incentive for something but now dont know for what
[8:47] Sir Dorksalot: right, I lost you
[8:47] Me: ok <- I like when the convo ends here. He's not gonna take the hint...just watch.
[8:48] Sir Dorksalot: my reason for not being on sl for last couple months and before is because there isnt shit to do in sl, anything that I'd call fun anyway so the incentive would be throw me a carrot :P <- Are you a fucking horse? And did I ask for all of that? I am not farmer Jane you fucking freak.
[8:49] Me: well not my place to make you wanna come around I guess, so have a good six more months <- This is soooo a goodbye.
[8:49] Sir Dorksalot: true its not
[8:49] Me: cant give incentive to someone who finds no fun here
[8:49] Me: to each their own
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: but what really killed my interested for sl is the lack of support from lindens <- I care why? Did I ask for details...Im getting a migraine!
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: their technology is what.. ten years now? <- Let me go look that up for you.
[8:50] Me: i dont work for LL so telling me that isnt gonna do much
[8:50] Me: and no its been about 5
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: you missunderstand
[8:51] Me: i think youre telling me why you dont like sl and yet here you are asking for incentive, so perhaps you misunderstand
[8:51] Sir Dorksalot: the technology that you see in mmorpgs like world of warcraft and so on existed before the games actually came out, but the core of issue is that sl isnt really being supported by lindens to accomdate more stuff <-SNOOZEFEST!
[8:52] Sir Dorksalot: no, I wouldnt say so, I am just saying what you would like to do if I stick around :) <-Break your kneecaps and weigh you down with cinderblocks?
[8:52] Me: okay well I dont have an issue with the place so i nunno what to tell ya
[8:52] Me: do i have to wanna do something for you to stick around?
[8:52] Me: if you dont find this place fun, not much i could do for you
[8:52] Sir Dorksalot: well, you send me a im so I imagined you were curious :) <- I stayed up late at night thinking about it, trust me.
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: I am just curious if we are gonna hang out or not ;P <- You and that fucking tongue.
[8:53] Me: no, i said hi to you along with about 15 other people i havent spoken to in awhile seeing as i deleted my entire friends list last year <- Yet again...You are not special.
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: well, like I said, people leave for all kinds of reasons and stuff
[8:54] Me: sure we can hang out, ill take you shopping or something <- For a new personality.
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: for me its the technology that makes sl interesting
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: pff
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: virtual clothes and stuff isnt interesting to me! ;P
[8:54] Me: well for me, the people are interesting, cant offer you technology so...good luck
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: I'll settle with conversation if you are willing :)
[8:55] Me: about technology?
[8:55] Sir Dorksalot: nope
[8:55] Sir Dorksalot: stuff in general
[8:55] Me: surface talk, sounds like a blast <-Set the alarm for as soon as he leaves, would you? Thats sarcasm at work by the way.
[8:56] Sir Dorksalot: isnt it always? ;)
[8:56] Me: no i usually get bored pretty easily, has to be something of interest
[8:56] Sir Dorksalot: such as?
[8:56] Me: i dunno, i dont keep a list <- If I have to tell you, you are boring me already.
[8:57] Sir Dorksalot: fine, what has happened to you since we spoke last time because I recall we didnt really part on good terms you and I :) <- God, I wish I did then I wouldnt have poked you!
[8:58] Me: i dont recall. i bought an island, i dj sometimes, pretty much the same with a whole lot different
[8:58] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:58] Sir Dorksalot: hows the sl relationship working out for you? <- Is that caring before or after asking for incentive?
[8:59] Me: we're good, he works hard and builds well. and he's actually fun to be around
[8:59] Sir Dorksalot: sorry to be a bore then ;p <- Pity party and you're invited!
[8:59] Me: theres no comparison
[8:59] Me: its like apples and oranges, two very different categories
[9:00] Sir Dorksalot: obviously, he seems to invest his time here whereas I haven't for months[9:00] Me: how sucky that makes him huh, what a shit for settling for such crap technology
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: anything that has improved with sl? <- Am I the fucking technician here?
[9:01] Me: ill send a memo so he gets his act together asap
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: eh, like you said he cares for what he does in sl
[9:01] Me: i dont know, i dont keep tabs on sl technology and advances
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: so its pretty much the same then
[9:02] Me: okay wow, im bored
[9:02] Sir Dorksalot: enjoying dj'ing then?
[9:02] Me: see you in 6 months <- Heres hoping not!
[9:02] Sir Dorksalot: ta ta darling
[9:03] Me: kbye

Im FTNing myself for randomly iming anyone, Im FTNing techie people because I hate your face and Im FTNing anyone who goes afk to leave me to talk to said techie fucking mongers. That is all.

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