Friday, July 17, 2009


Here's the part where you say "Oh great FTN! Kitty Bish, what's in that busy head of yours?"

And I say..."Oh nothing, except..."

  • Dont you just hate when people scream at you at the club? I'll be the first to admit, I'm a screamer. I'm all about being loud, it's in the genes. But when a DJ or a Host has a complete conversation with themselves about being pissed off that no ones talking...I kinda feel a little pressure to be "on." I think that DJ/Host should feel like shit. They should cry out of pure shame right now. What if I was getting my fuckage on? Do I really need you yelling at me while Im grinding my hips? That's a big hell to the no. If it's so fucking dead in this bitch, why dont you do your god damn job and make something happen. Maybe if you werent a sack of suckage, people would show up. That is all and you are dismissed.
  • Anyone who pastier (I dont care if its not a word...wait, is it? Well if Willy can make up words so can I so suck off!) then a guppy. When the fuck did translucent become a pigment? I can see your fucking ribs hombre, get a tan and eat something while you're at it. Your dagger limbs offend me.
  • Rule of thumb boys, that emo sweep over your face could be semi cute. Bangs down to your god damn jaw are not bangs. Its a fucking curtain. Martha Stewart would be ashamed of your bullshit drapes so how bout we just say no to the covered face man look. And dont you hate on my Martha, that cunt was in the big house, she will assrape you so fucking hard you will shit out magnificantly moist blueberry muffins and a scrap book to log the recipe in.
  • I am not Dr. Phil. Not just because I'm not an overweight balding man named Phil with a major small dick complex but because I dont give a flying rats asshole about your "issues." Thats why they are yours and not ours. They sure as shit wouldnt be mine because Im not that stupid to have those types of fourth grade trivial lumps of bullshit floating around my world. Do not verbally vomit your dumb ass need for attention anywhere within a 30M radius of me. I can only hear within 20M but to be quite honest, if youre ugly, I dont even want you in my cam shot. For that matter, how bout you stand on another fucking sim? Yeah thanks, kbye.
  • [0:28] Masochist who wants to get beat: hey shasta, what or who are you doin? - This is an actual fucking message. I'll let it slide because Im all about one free pass of dorkage/stupidity (we all have bad days). But I will address the hint of ignorance here just because it seems to be ever present amongst a new breed of people I'd like to call AssHOLEumers. (You actually tried pronouncing that out loud didnt you...*waits for the snort*) Am I dime? But of course. And if you dont know, you better ask somebody. Am I...whats the word...sexual? Damn skippy. Twat + Sexual = Hoe? Last I checked...yep thats a big hell no also. Dick + Sexual = "Just being a man." Okay well, guess Im gonna have to rock the cock from now on. Here's a little secret, Im not always fucking. Im not always talking about sex. Im not always in a primal state. Thats only 99% of the time. I can actually multitask so while Im thinking about sitting on a certain someones face, I can also figure out how to put a stop to terrorism. Im a humanitarian, feeding the hungry while solving global issues.
  • Stop being weird. Its just...weird and I dont like it. You need to unweird yourself and join the rest of the party but until then, stay indoors and masturbate without a break while watching the complete first season of Welcome Back Cotter. That'll teach ya!
  • If I have to count the number of letters in your help you god.
  • Those random messages asking "where you from, what do you do for fun in rl, how old are you, what do you look like?" Really? Okay well heres my address. Come to me right now so we can have mind numbing dirty kinky nasty sweaty sex, only after I suck your dick so hard your siblings call to check on you because they "felt the tension." I need you oh so much in my life and oh unheavenly father where have you been all these years. Please oh pretty fucking please come and visit ooo baby oh baby mmm baby! W.T.F. The Girl is from somewhere, one of the things she does for fun is...oh I dont know, might be called SL? The girl is not a 40 year old balding midget named Hank. Is that enough for you? (Im a balding 39 year old midget named Frank.) You need an RL hookup or a new bestie to visit...The Kitty Bish aint it. Kbye.
  • Hey guess what, you're ugly.Stop that. Thanks.

Yep, nothing at all...FTN!

Now returning you to your regularly scheduled fuckup that is your life...hugs and bullshit.

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