Thursday, July 2, 2009

Independence Day Comes Early This Year

With the upcoming celebration of an Independence of some sort, the Kitty Bish wants to feel liberated too. What better venue to do just that than right here and what better time than right now. This one is for the vipers and the vixens, the leeches and the sheep, the herders and the blindly mute, the deaf inactive and the ones who know it all and yet dont know shit.

The Kitty Bish started FTN! to say fuck it to anything and everything that interupted the personal fun of anyone and everyone. Because who the fuck are we to stand in the way of what makes people happy, of how they choose to exist in this life? Yes, I can be a mean little bish, fiesty and in your face. I can even be a little cruel, when the timing is justified. But I say a big, huge, undeniable FTN! to those that assume they are untouchable in their tyranny.

Andddddd the gloves come off and the guns are blazing. Because I've been very well behaved. But in all actuality, I never should have behaved. I should have snarled my teeth and blasted out some shit when I had the chance. Who am I behaving for? Who exactly am I trying to appease? Because last I checked, there isnt one single person who is taking care of my shit but me. There isnt one person responsible for my island existing but me. Not one person responsible for me having a job but me. Not one person but me making the choice to get out of my kitty bed each day and choosing to enjoy my existance. Thats right people, I run my shit. I know this comes as a huge fucking surprise to you.

This is not about one particular thing. This is about a culmination of bullshit. Now some of it may not be delivered in malice and some, Im so sure has been. But when it festers, it is bound to boil over and this right here is some hot lava running right out Mt. Shasta, hoping it burns your fucking skin off.

  • Though I appreciate the concern, I dont want it. From anyone. It is not because I think I know better, it is not even because I think it is in malice. With concern comes doubt and doubt is not something I want in my world. Being concerned over who the Kitty Bish associates with, where the Kitty Bish has been as of late, why the Kitty Bish has declined anything or left anywhere is only one persons business. YOU GUESSED RIGHT. The Kitty Bish herself. Feel free to be insulted but there are only so many times a kitty can get a message asking where she's been without wanting to scream. This leads to my next point.
  • If I leave a place, and I did it drama, no scenes, no tantrums, just deep consideration, than it is no ones place to ask about it. I have done my part by leaving in peace. In turn, I expect peace. This goes for EVERYONE. DO NOT poke me after almost never having any conversations with me at all to ask why I am not in a certain place. We didnt talk before, why the fuck do you care now? If I answer, in a cordial matter, I want to do new things (or whatever the response I gave the multiple times I was asked) I expect you to take the hint and hereby STFU!
  • People who point the finger and say "everyone starts drama but me," are the same people who make these inquiries and pry for information. I am hereby uninterested in feeding your sick need for new shit to dwell on. Im not in the mood to channel surf with you thru the days novellas so feel free to find someone else to pester.
  • Anyone who knows me knows my profile reflects my mood. It changes very quickly and I like it that way. People are taken out just as quickly as they go in and sayings change depending on my inspiration and what book The Girl is reading this week. In turn, people who profile whore, I dont have a problem with you. What I do have a problem with is anyone who feels they have a right to question...comment...and/or dictate what goes into someone elses profile. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE? Does the world really center around you? Are you are that important?
  • The Kitty Bish went to a place where people were very open about biting. Someone asked and I declined as this is not something I play with. I dont personally believe in playing that role and so I dont. In the same notion, if you do, I dont hate you for it. Just respect that I dont role the way you role. Problem solved.
  • If you RP than RP. If you are partial, then do it part time. If you dont, than dont. Please dont say you dont and your actions and obsessions say you do. This makes you look like a fucking fool. I dont rock a President of The United States of America tag in all seriousness and then say "but I dont RP." Last I checked...Im not Obama. Ya feel me? Good.
  • I do not need to see your entire fucking wardrobe. I dont care what you wear. You probably arent on my radar so asking me if I wanna see, what do I think, what should you get, where should you get it, etc etc etc...nope, not even interested a little.
  • Guys who fall asleep while having sex...this one is just funny and yet I still must FTN! it. (Sorry J, had to do it.)
  • I will again FTN! myself for taking one hour and 26 minutes to get my stream set up for my first official DJ set. Even I am not safe from the FTN! wrath. But ya love me so fuck you.
  • RANDOM PEOPLE WALKING ONTO MY ISLAND. WTF DID YOU COME FROM AND WTF ARE YOU STILL HERE?????????????????? I swear to little baby jesus in a tutu, I offered this girl a suite, asked if she wanted coffee and chocolates in the morning and she came back with "No thank you, that wont be necessary." >.< KILL ALL THE NEWBS NOW!!!!
  • Anyone who is mindless (afk) longer then they are active. I have been guilty of this one myself and it kinda sucks. But I was busy that day so suck a twat.
  • Stop taking yourselves so seriously people. Its just silly. Think ahead ten years and ask yourself, whats going to matter? Exactly. Im sure nothing you are doing or saying right now will even be remembered. So why all the drama?
  • The Kitty Bish has been reminded time and time and time again that "people walk on eggshells because of who you know and they fear what repercussions they may face." Well, Im really sorry you feel that way. I dont own anyone and no one owns me. Connections outside of this life are just that, bonds that cannot be swayed or broken just because there is no affiliation in this world. That being said. If you think lil ol me had/has any control over your must be one sad excuse for an existance because Im not even looking your way.
  • "Oh you'll be back." You wanna bet? The audacity and nerve of anyone to assume or even formulate those words. Please count your blessings that I cant kick you in the fucking throat. I am not someone who believes in revolving doors. I am not someone who does major things in haste. I am not someone who does not think thru very important decisions before taking action. Life is a chess board. And I know all of my moves to reach checkmate before you've even considered moving that pawn. So next time you say "Oh you'll be back," think again about who you are talking to. Visiting a place doesnt mean I want back. Visiting means just that. Because there will always be beautiful people I enjoy knowing. You...are not one of them.
  • Reputations. Everyone has one. Before you judge one, look at your own.
  • Any guy who asks a girl to partner/engage/marry him after a week WITHOUT talking to the girls parents/family. You are officially lame. Sorry but its so true. A WEEK? For some sad people, it takes that long to rez shit. WTF?

This group may dwindle, people may pout and bitch. I might even get afew messages asking what I meant. Spare me. Or dont. I might just need some juice for the next post. Im not interested in walking on eggshells for anyone. Im not interested in being anyones sheep or watching my mouth to make anyone feel safe or privileged. You dont have to like what is said, you dont have to agree. But hell if I wont say it. I can FTN! in a crowd or FTN! alone. Ive been doing it for years.

Sometimes we have to FTN! ourselves. Look at the choices we've made, the changes we've allowed others to instill in us. Sometimes, we have to FTN! people we care about. Sometimes we have to FTN! people we love. True tyranny is not one entities control over many. It is being indifferent about losing oneself. THAT above all else, deserves the ultimate F.T.N!

The Kitty Bish


  1. FTN \0/ I perved you that hour and 26 minutes yanno! mauuuah kitty!

  2. And I totally perv you every moment I can, Including that hour and 26 minutes!

    You know, life is just too damn short to deal with the pathetic. You live the way you want, the only way you know how and to hell with the rest. And I will punch multiple people in the throat if it would make you happier.

    <3<3<3 Shasta

  3. Awww, I love my pervy bastids!
