Tuesday, July 21, 2009

OMFG Reality is...Real!

I hate stupid people. A true allergy to fucktards who dont know any better or even worse, those that do and dont give a flying fuck. I hate your god damn faces and I hope someone maims your armpits and shits down your throat. *Exhales* Just breathe Kitty...it cant be all that bad...oh but you just wait.

Heres a convo for you.

Person 1: Hi

Person 2: Hi there.

Person 1: How are you?

Person 2: Great, hows you?

Person 1: Terrible

Person 2: Sorry to hear that

Person 1: *Sighs heavily with wandering eyes...staring eyes...glaring eyes...*

Person 2: Um...okay what is it?

Do me a motherfucking favor, would you please. If you simply want to talk to me to tell me something bad that is happening or has happened to, by all means, what are friends for. BUT! You must ask before invading my space. You cannot and should not assume that I want to even pretend that I give a fuck at this time of night. I cant stand people who drop their half assed hints, waiting for me to ask whats the matter. Heres how you SHOULD come at me:

Person 1: Hey you, dont mean to bother but was wondering if I could talk. You busy?

This is when I either say "sure thing hun, whats up," or "nope, Im shopping and I dont really care about your issues," or *grumbles because I have dick in mouth syndrome at the moment* in which you are to leave a very BRIEF message and I will get the fuck back to you when I want to.

And so I get the scoop. Which I will give to because Im the motherfucking ice cream truck and its my journalistic duty or some such shit. In short...yet another short term romance that turned into a short term partnership that turned into a very short term attempt at some higher status. Let me make myself very clear on this. I DO NOT care if you choose to mix your worlds, you want void fillings, just some laughs, creative expression, eharmony in this life, whatever the hell it is...to each their own. I have enough experience to know there are only a select few who make it and I am quite sure they nurtured a bond over a very long period of time. TWO MONTHS IS NOT A LONG TIME! For anything. Let alone picking the love of your life...in any life. Some people connect instantly and I get that. I can appreciate chemistry. You cant deny what you feel or whatever the fuck you wanna say about it. But heres this...

In the conversation, I didnt encourage a word. Simply said "wow," or "well at least its over now." In response, I get the lovely reasoning of "Yeah well he just went off on me, it wasnt like this last time. He's bi-polar, it was awful." And this is where I scream. Why oh why Kitty do you scream, you might be wondering. Because I dont think responsibility is being taken in this situation. I mean, I wasnt there, I dont know what the fuck he did or said to this girl but for just a moment...think outside the box. Girl drops life to go be with said guy, it doesnt work out or the fairy tale runs out and so...he's bi-polar and that explains why it didnt work out. Maybe, just maybe, you fucking rushed something. Maybe, just maybe you put too much faith in two months of vagueness, of only seeing a small, very small portion of a persons personality.

Maybe, just maybe, you should own the fact that the odds of two people completely clicking without any sort of real effort or time between the two are very fucking slim! WHAT THE FUCK is it with people and the quick schemes. You want money. Go get a god damn job. Stop it with the get rich quick schemes. Movies turn into drive ins, lazy asses dont even have to lave their cars. Drive thrus for food turn into drive thrus for marriage. Banks have more atms then people. Order your groceries with the click of a button rather than walking down the aisle and loading your trunk. Everything if now for you quick convenience. Including love. Get love quick, as fast as possible without so much as evaluating what that really entails. Yes, because that will be some everlasting type shit.

Again, I dont hate on those who are looking for some long term deep rooted all out type of love. I do hate on the people who run the minute theres a struggle. The minute theres an issue, "he's bi-polar." You want reality so god damn badly? Well, heres a thought. In reality, people work through strife. People dont always agree. People fight. People hurt. People cry. People get sick. People get moody. People can be needy, dependant, distant, misunderstand you, confuse you, have an I dont give a fuck moment. Thats fucking reality. You cant deal with it or dont want to, then by all means....STOP MIXING! Either you want reality 100% or not. Because you cant have it with pixel standards. It just doesnt work that way.

I dont think I was sympathetic enough...or at all so the girl poofed. Which is fine by me as I cant bullshit pity. I was well behaved and kept my opinion as hushed in the moment as I could. I cant give advice on this or even say I fully understand but I do know one thing at least....

FTN! to people who invade my bubble with shit I dont understand. Kbye!

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