Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why I Should Never Be Bored

And the question of the day is this: who the fuck sent out the god damn memo that said I was here for everyone elses amusement? I would like to see this hand written declaration giving Tom, Dick and Betty Joe the motherfucking assumption that I pop out of bed every morning to somehow make their shit just fabulous.

Would you like me to do a jig for you? Why yes, Massa, I would find no greater joy then entertaining you aimlessly for no apparent reason other than you have nothing else to do. How bout I pick some motherfucking cotton and stuff you a pillow? Maybe I can prepare you a meal too? How bout I just breathe for you? Would that help you? Because that is ALL I am here for.

Conversations that start and end with "hello," do absolutely nothing for me. If you think it should, walk up to someone youve never spoken to, tap them on the shoulder, say hello and stand there. Watch what the fuck happens to you. Or at least observe the "bitch get the fuck away from me face," that inevitably will appear.

The following is a reenactment of some actual events, with help from a wonderful friend (who shall remain nameless, though you could figure it out by looking for the person who is pissing her pants in laughter. The piss always gives it away.)

Must Be Bored: Heyy Kitty Bish
Me: hey Must Be Bored
Me: whats up homie G funk?
Must Be Bored: Nothing kind of bored and you ?
Me: stressing out, trying to figure out whats wrong with my dildo collection
Must Be Bored: what happened to it ?
Me: Im missing two pieces and I already checked my asshole...twice
Me: Waiting on the ultrasound
Must Be Bored: =/
Must Be Bored: hmm
Must Be Bored: wanna tp me ?
Me: Why sure, that would be fabulously helpful to my lost dick problem.

Must Be Bored: lol nice pose
Me: I call it the probing anteater
Must Be Bored: lol
Me: we can go downstairs *wink wink*
Me: see inside ya bottom
Me: okay welcome to the island
Must Be Bored: thanks :)
Me: so what you been up to?
Must Be Bored: not much really.
Must Be Bored: and you ?
Me: killing baby seals and some human trafficking, you know how it is
Must Be Bored: trying to change my look i kidn of like this one.
Me: Sounds good, you hungry, Im cooking burritos
Must Be Bored: i just came on to check whats gonig on i'm really bored to.
Must Be Bored: I might just go take a nap or goo read a book
Me: I personally like to read the articles in Hustler...now thats journalism
Must Be Bored: yea
Me: Candy likes apples, long walks on the beach and donkey punches
Me: that sounds like a plan for me too
Must Be Bored: I'm currently reading Playboy.
Me: what number?
Must Be Bored: *the bad beginning*
Must Be Bored: number one
Me: those bitches are too tame, they need some Planet of The Apes costumes or something
Me: Oooo, I found my McDonalds toy!
Must Be Bored: Hehe i have all of them.
Must Be Bored: never heard of that movie
Me: Oh it was shit but Id have fucked the third monkey in the second half of the movie...the one with the mustache.
Must Be Bored: ohhh
Me: Im all about hairy men, those nappy backs make me all sorts of hot
Must Be Bored: i seee
Me: especially when I can braid it...thats just heaven right there. I think I just came...
Must Be Bored: .
Must Be Bored: sounds interesting.
Me: it is
Must Be Bored: I hate faceplace. but i dont want to delete it..
Me: aww
Me: i cant do all those things, i can never keep track, not with all my masturbating dates.
Must Be Bored: lol i only do faceplace i have all the other thigns but dont use them..
Must Be Bored: but liek faceplace people are liek Gerr
Must Be Bored: i hate honesty box people say stupid stuff cuz they are cowereds and cant say it to your face.
Me: I find beating the fuck out of them usually helps...wait whats that?
Must Be Bored: its just like a applacation that you can right to anyone but they dont know who it is
Me: ohhh
Must Be Bored: its stupid
Must Be Bored: Ohh my gosh thats the cutest strap on!
Must Be Bored: <3
Me: lol
Me: I <3 my strapons, I like how its shaped like a yorkie. Walking the dog!!!
Must Be Bored: i wish i had a kitty or dog.. :(
Me: you should get one
Me: they have lots of toy shops
Must Be Bored: i wish. i have no money and i dont think myboyfriend will pay for it,...
Must Be Bored: i think hes broke.
Me: ahhh
Must Be Bored: yehh i had 10L but liek i spent it on soemthing stupid that i thoguht was cool
Me: Broke guys suck donkey cock and not very well either.
Must Be Bored: lol
Must Be Bored: i <# chocolate chip cookies :D
Must Be Bored: <3*
Me: Im a realist. Oatmeal is a safe glutton free alternative, what with all the infiltrating chemicals out there today.
Must Be Bored: yup :)
Me: Usually has bugs though, that natural shit is um...extra natural.
Must Be Bored: yeh :P
Me: wow this couch is bright, lol
Me: doesnt it remind you of jolly ranchers
Must Be Bored: lol it is.
Must Be Bored: YES
Must Be Bored: :P
Must Be Bored: thats what i was thinknig
Me: this is my cousin Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez
Must Be Bored: Hii Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez
Me: She likes pumpernickel and tossing salads with Ranch dressing.
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: Hello
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: rofl
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: pumpernickel is pnly good for bagels and dont shout me out, Im trying to convert to the meat.
Me: I personally think you have an issue Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez but we'll save the intervention for later
Must Be Bored: lol
Me: Okay so dish...what happened with the Goat?
Me: sorry Must Be Bored, Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez needs to vent, you understand
Must Be Bored: Yup :)
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: *sniff* He is such a douche
Me: yeah well he has a tiny head
Me: i dont even know why you fuck with him
Must Be Bored: okay well I'm gonig to lay down and read hae fun :)
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: I was milking him yesterday and he fucking bahhed at me and said another goats name...another fucking goat!
Me: tc Must Be Bored
Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez: bye Must Be Bored
Me: damn
Me: thats jacked the fuck up
Me: i say we kill him
Me: with tampons
[13:18] Must Be Bored is Offline
Me: in the face

Okay...ready...dont call me up to be boring or expect amusement because in turn I will find amusement. And my cousin Bitch Against The Dirty Sanchez will come and talk about her mad goat fucking skills!

FTN! to random "hey amuse me" people...Im not a god damn clown you assnugget!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So The Kitty Bish decided to go down her list and random a bunch of old faces...see who poked back...Oh the fucking joys of randoms.

[2009/07/20 20:22] Me pokes you <- Because Im cool like that.
[2009/07/20 20:22] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.-- Instant message logging enabled --
[8:33] Sir Dorksalot: lo
[8:33] Me: hey you!!!!!!
[8:33] Sir Dorksalot: sup?
[8:33] Me: hows it going? Im doing well
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: quite fine, poked into sl
[8:34] Me: very cool
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: been gone from sl for a few months now
[8:34] Me: awwww <-Okay I was bored, sue me.
[8:34] Me: took a break?
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: nah
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: quit
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: just in and seeing if they have improved anything
[8:34] Sir Dorksalot: no interest really
[8:34] Me: awww <- Very interested.
[8:35] Me: well, its good for you to say hi
[8:35] Sir Dorksalot: isnt it? ;) <- I hate your face if this is it, by the way.
[8:35] Me: lol
[8:36] Sir Dorksalot: so whats new on your end?
[8:37] Me: nothing much, living on the island, taking it easy
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: what brings you to im me all of the sudden? :)
[8:37] Me: went down my calling cards, said hi to a bunch of people <- I.E. You are not special.
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: aha
[8:37] Sir Dorksalot: to see who was still around?
[8:37] Me: pretty much
[8:38] Sir Dorksalot: I imagine quite a few has moved on as lindens doesnt seem to wish to improve the technology really <- Wheres my blankie and pillow?
[8:39] Sir Dorksalot: feel free to pop me a tp if you fancy company tho <- Um why?
[8:42] Sir Dorksalot: unless your busy lol <- I wasnt, just not sending a tp to techie boy. I can be bored in ims alone, thank you very much.
[8:42] Me: ohhh you meant right now, lol <- You like how I played that off? Me too.
[8:42] Sir Dorksalot: no, I meant six years from now ;p
[8:43] Sir Dorksalot: of course I meant now :p
[8:43] Me: i thought you meant like the next time you were around
[8:44] Sir Dorksalot: well, since I havent been online for oh six months or so I doubt I'd be around soon ;)
[8:44] Me: well then poo to you, i dont wanna see ya if you aint coming around :P <- In other words, I poked you to say hi, not invite you over for dinner.
[8:45] Sir Dorksalot: give me some incentive then :P <- I dont know whats creepier, asking for incentive or the continuous use of sticking out the tongue. Thats nasty.
[8:45] Me: incentive?
[8:46] Sir Dorksalot: yeah, you know like a reason
[8:46] Me: whats a good reason?
[8:46] Sir Dorksalot: for hopping onto sl? is there one?
[8:47] Me: okay you lost me <- Please dont ever find me...ever, with your dangly doggy tongue.
[8:47] Me: you want incentive for something but now dont know for what
[8:47] Sir Dorksalot: right, I lost you
[8:47] Me: ok <- I like when the convo ends here. He's not gonna take the hint...just watch.
[8:48] Sir Dorksalot: my reason for not being on sl for last couple months and before is because there isnt shit to do in sl, anything that I'd call fun anyway so the incentive would be throw me a carrot :P <- Are you a fucking horse? And did I ask for all of that? I am not farmer Jane you fucking freak.
[8:49] Me: well not my place to make you wanna come around I guess, so have a good six more months <- This is soooo a goodbye.
[8:49] Sir Dorksalot: true its not
[8:49] Me: cant give incentive to someone who finds no fun here
[8:49] Me: to each their own
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: but what really killed my interested for sl is the lack of support from lindens <- I care why? Did I ask for details...Im getting a migraine!
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: their technology is what.. ten years now? <- Let me go look that up for you.
[8:50] Me: i dont work for LL so telling me that isnt gonna do much
[8:50] Me: and no its been about 5
[8:50] Sir Dorksalot: you missunderstand
[8:51] Me: i think youre telling me why you dont like sl and yet here you are asking for incentive, so perhaps you misunderstand
[8:51] Sir Dorksalot: the technology that you see in mmorpgs like world of warcraft and so on existed before the games actually came out, but the core of issue is that sl isnt really being supported by lindens to accomdate more stuff <-SNOOZEFEST!
[8:52] Sir Dorksalot: no, I wouldnt say so, I am just saying what you would like to do if I stick around :) <-Break your kneecaps and weigh you down with cinderblocks?
[8:52] Me: okay well I dont have an issue with the place so i nunno what to tell ya
[8:52] Me: do i have to wanna do something for you to stick around?
[8:52] Me: if you dont find this place fun, not much i could do for you
[8:52] Sir Dorksalot: well, you send me a im so I imagined you were curious :) <- I stayed up late at night thinking about it, trust me.
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: I am just curious if we are gonna hang out or not ;P <- You and that fucking tongue.
[8:53] Me: no, i said hi to you along with about 15 other people i havent spoken to in awhile seeing as i deleted my entire friends list last year <- Yet again...You are not special.
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:53] Sir Dorksalot: well, like I said, people leave for all kinds of reasons and stuff
[8:54] Me: sure we can hang out, ill take you shopping or something <- For a new personality.
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: for me its the technology that makes sl interesting
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: pff
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: virtual clothes and stuff isnt interesting to me! ;P
[8:54] Me: well for me, the people are interesting, cant offer you technology so...good luck
[8:54] Sir Dorksalot: I'll settle with conversation if you are willing :)
[8:55] Me: about technology?
[8:55] Sir Dorksalot: nope
[8:55] Sir Dorksalot: stuff in general
[8:55] Me: surface talk, sounds like a blast <-Set the alarm for as soon as he leaves, would you? Thats sarcasm at work by the way.
[8:56] Sir Dorksalot: isnt it always? ;)
[8:56] Me: no i usually get bored pretty easily, has to be something of interest
[8:56] Sir Dorksalot: such as?
[8:56] Me: i dunno, i dont keep a list <- If I have to tell you, you are boring me already.
[8:57] Sir Dorksalot: fine, what has happened to you since we spoke last time because I recall we didnt really part on good terms you and I :) <- God, I wish I did then I wouldnt have poked you!
[8:58] Me: i dont recall. i bought an island, i dj sometimes, pretty much the same with a whole lot different
[8:58] Sir Dorksalot: ah
[8:58] Sir Dorksalot: hows the sl relationship working out for you? <- Is that caring before or after asking for incentive?
[8:59] Me: we're good, he works hard and builds well. and he's actually fun to be around
[8:59] Sir Dorksalot: sorry to be a bore then ;p <- Pity party and you're invited!
[8:59] Me: theres no comparison
[8:59] Me: its like apples and oranges, two very different categories
[9:00] Sir Dorksalot: obviously, he seems to invest his time here whereas I haven't for months[9:00] Me: how sucky that makes him huh, what a shit for settling for such crap technology
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: anything that has improved with sl? <- Am I the fucking technician here?
[9:01] Me: ill send a memo so he gets his act together asap
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: eh, like you said he cares for what he does in sl
[9:01] Me: i dont know, i dont keep tabs on sl technology and advances
[9:01] Sir Dorksalot: so its pretty much the same then
[9:02] Me: okay wow, im bored
[9:02] Sir Dorksalot: enjoying dj'ing then?
[9:02] Me: see you in 6 months <- Heres hoping not!
[9:02] Sir Dorksalot: ta ta darling
[9:03] Me: kbye

Im FTNing myself for randomly iming anyone, Im FTNing techie people because I hate your face and Im FTNing anyone who goes afk to leave me to talk to said techie fucking mongers. That is all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I am a kitty, you are a squirrel, I dont care what gifts you bring, I will eat your fucking face and then I will find your spouse and eat them too even though Im full but it amuses me enough that vomiting you out later will so be worth it.

Hey guess what annoys me...

  • Couples who have stupid pacts. "I'll go when you go. Okay? Okay." "Menstrate when I menstrate. Okay? Okay." You people are seriously walking around with a very fucking distorted perception of a relationship and should be fucking fish hooked in the asshole.

  • Groups that have fees without letting members know. I just left a group today that had a land fee of 6L, which was taken automatically from my account without my consent. Nowhere in the joining of said group was this mentioned nor was there even a fee to join said group. People who do this should be kicked in the ass. If Im paying for your shit, do I not get some god damn stock? A motherfucking reserved parking spot? Clubs that have to do this are fucking sorry excuses and only let it be known that they are lame and dont actually get enough attention to earn their keep on their own. Play that game on a newb, Ill just tell everyone how much you suck.

  • People who talk crazy shit about you but revert to hellos and smileys when its convenient for a tip. Nope, not giving you my money, you suck as a DJ anyways.

  • People who will only talk to you when they will directly benefit or if you do what they want for their convenience but stop talking to you when you dont do what they say. Minimal cordial conversation, sounds nice. Lets have surface chat because you apparently forgot what fun is. Stop taking yourselves so god damn seriously. Not everyone wants to be the brooding person. Some of us enjoy laughter. Try it some time.

That is all.

OMFG Reality is...Real!

I hate stupid people. A true allergy to fucktards who dont know any better or even worse, those that do and dont give a flying fuck. I hate your god damn faces and I hope someone maims your armpits and shits down your throat. *Exhales* Just breathe Kitty...it cant be all that bad...oh but you just wait.

Heres a convo for you.

Person 1: Hi

Person 2: Hi there.

Person 1: How are you?

Person 2: Great, hows you?

Person 1: Terrible

Person 2: Sorry to hear that

Person 1: *Sighs heavily with wandering eyes...staring eyes...glaring eyes...*

Person 2: Um...okay what is it?

Do me a motherfucking favor, would you please. If you simply want to talk to me to tell me something bad that is happening or has happened to, by all means, what are friends for. BUT! You must ask before invading my space. You cannot and should not assume that I want to even pretend that I give a fuck at this time of night. I cant stand people who drop their half assed hints, waiting for me to ask whats the matter. Heres how you SHOULD come at me:

Person 1: Hey you, dont mean to bother but was wondering if I could talk. You busy?

This is when I either say "sure thing hun, whats up," or "nope, Im shopping and I dont really care about your issues," or *grumbles because I have dick in mouth syndrome at the moment* in which you are to leave a very BRIEF message and I will get the fuck back to you when I want to.

And so I get the scoop. Which I will give to because Im the motherfucking ice cream truck and its my journalistic duty or some such shit. In short...yet another short term romance that turned into a short term partnership that turned into a very short term attempt at some higher status. Let me make myself very clear on this. I DO NOT care if you choose to mix your worlds, you want void fillings, just some laughs, creative expression, eharmony in this life, whatever the hell it is...to each their own. I have enough experience to know there are only a select few who make it and I am quite sure they nurtured a bond over a very long period of time. TWO MONTHS IS NOT A LONG TIME! For anything. Let alone picking the love of your life...in any life. Some people connect instantly and I get that. I can appreciate chemistry. You cant deny what you feel or whatever the fuck you wanna say about it. But heres this...

In the conversation, I didnt encourage a word. Simply said "wow," or "well at least its over now." In response, I get the lovely reasoning of "Yeah well he just went off on me, it wasnt like this last time. He's bi-polar, it was awful." And this is where I scream. Why oh why Kitty do you scream, you might be wondering. Because I dont think responsibility is being taken in this situation. I mean, I wasnt there, I dont know what the fuck he did or said to this girl but for just a moment...think outside the box. Girl drops life to go be with said guy, it doesnt work out or the fairy tale runs out and so...he's bi-polar and that explains why it didnt work out. Maybe, just maybe, you fucking rushed something. Maybe, just maybe you put too much faith in two months of vagueness, of only seeing a small, very small portion of a persons personality.

Maybe, just maybe, you should own the fact that the odds of two people completely clicking without any sort of real effort or time between the two are very fucking slim! WHAT THE FUCK is it with people and the quick schemes. You want money. Go get a god damn job. Stop it with the get rich quick schemes. Movies turn into drive ins, lazy asses dont even have to lave their cars. Drive thrus for food turn into drive thrus for marriage. Banks have more atms then people. Order your groceries with the click of a button rather than walking down the aisle and loading your trunk. Everything if now for you quick convenience. Including love. Get love quick, as fast as possible without so much as evaluating what that really entails. Yes, because that will be some everlasting type shit.

Again, I dont hate on those who are looking for some long term deep rooted all out type of love. I do hate on the people who run the minute theres a struggle. The minute theres an issue, "he's bi-polar." You want reality so god damn badly? Well, heres a thought. In reality, people work through strife. People dont always agree. People fight. People hurt. People cry. People get sick. People get moody. People can be needy, dependant, distant, misunderstand you, confuse you, have an I dont give a fuck moment. Thats fucking reality. You cant deal with it or dont want to, then by all means....STOP MIXING! Either you want reality 100% or not. Because you cant have it with pixel standards. It just doesnt work that way.

I dont think I was sympathetic enough...or at all so the girl poofed. Which is fine by me as I cant bullshit pity. I was well behaved and kept my opinion as hushed in the moment as I could. I cant give advice on this or even say I fully understand but I do know one thing at least....

FTN! to people who invade my bubble with shit I dont understand. Kbye!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

TMI Pt. 2

And so it continues, the Kitty Bish gets a message while in busy mode (because I actually get busy, hah, not that kind shut up...well at least not at that moment, anyways!)

-- Instant message logging enabled --
[0:30] Him: can i ask you something....? <-My busy mode message says ~Sleep~
[0:30] Him: ok nm
[0:31] Him: im totally convinced you hate me <-Obviously me sleeping means we can still talk
[0:31] Him: so there <- Oh boy, he got me, gee whiz!
[0:33] Him: and yes i know if you really did hate me you would have just taken me off of your friends, but im still conviced you hate me <- I dont hate anyone, people just annoy me, get it right
[0:39] Him: and again, i also understand i am a complete idiot quite often...but earlier was kinda mean.....ok no it was borderline brutal.... i understand you may have been upset about something or w/e, but it didnt need to be taken that far. Yes you have talked about things.....before. no it wasnt just with me, but it has been talked about. The oly reason i came to talk to you, was because i thought it would be nice to talk to you, the subject was a stupid reason, yes, but otherwise i like talking to you. Yes iI do, like i already said, have a tendacy to say something that shouldnt be sai in the first place, but i would like to talk to you normally about ANYTHING and hopefully be a better friend to you, but after getting my soul ripped apart like that, i dont know if you like talking to me. I am only telling you all this because i still want to be your friend. But i want to know something, so heres your choice. If you believe tht what you did earlier was the right thing to do, the please delete me from your friends so <-He gave me an ultimatim! Because I am a ripper of souls, you go boy!
[0:40] Him: I dont bother you anymore with anything, but if you would still like to be my friend and talk to me, like i do you, then please just tell me you dont hate me. thats all im asking
[0:40] Him: the choice is yours....hope your happy with the choice you decide too
[0:41] Him: *to choose <- I come back to that message and Im just moved to tears -.-
[0:52] Me: Okay ******, what exactly have I talked about with you or anyone in private ims that wasnt welcomed conversation?
[0:54] Him: im not saying it wasnt welcomeed convo, but around the time i first met you, when we were on the rooftop, it was you, me, ***, and ***, if i remember....and you guys were talking about....things.....that were probably better off kept personal <- We talked about squirting, cumming in socks and shooting ping pongs...normal dinner convo amongst adults all laughing and engaging in said convo
[0:54] Me: I ripped out your soul? Are you serious? Let me let you in on something. I may be loud and vulgar and in your face but I never discuss who i fuck or when im fucking with anyone. Thats just tasteless. Second, I dont have any issue, I dont like people coming to me with verbal vomits over going to fuck their girlfriend. Why would I care if you bought a dick?
[0:54] Me: Um we were having a conversation an adult convo
[0:55] Me: Did I im you privately and talk to you about anything we joked about on that roof?
[0:55] Me: No because an im is personal
[0:55] Him: no, i already said no
[0:55] Me: I dont know what made you overthink this and bring it up now but you seriously have some major issues my dear.
[0:56] Me: You want me to say sorry for not wanting to know about your cock? Well, where the fuck is my apology for assuming im out fucking anyone with the "what or who you doing comment"
[0:56] Him: did i evr say i wanted an apology? no <- Nope, he just wanted me to choose at hell knows what time of night whether we should be friends...veryyyy important
[0:56] Me: Do you see me crying when peopel say things I dont like? No, you know why, because everyone has a right to their voice, I just dont wanna hear yours when you babble about your new dick...
[0:56] Me: Youre coming to me to make a choice
[0:56] Me: Who do you think you are exactly
[0:56] Me: You can delete me just the same, no?
[0:56] Him: then you coulda just told me to stfu about it, you dont care and left it at that <-Really?
[0:57] Me: Aint no loss for you since Im "sooo brutally mean" right?
[0:57] Me: Didnt I do that?
[0:58] Him: asll i asked was that you say you dont hate me, i never asked for you to say sorry
[0:58] Him: like i told you, i do realize how stupid i was for bringing you into something soo stupid.... <-Like this convo
[0:58] Me: Would it matter if I did hate you
[0:58] Me: It doesnt
[0:58] Him: as a matter of fact yes it does
[0:59] Me: Well, it shouldnt
[0:59] Him: well, if i want to be your friend, it sure as hell does
[0:59] Me: I dont have to like you or how you carry yourself just like plenty of people dont like me for the way I talk or act or think
[0:59] Me: You dont even know me to want to be my friend ***
[1:00] Me: We hang at the same spot, we dont have to know eachother. I can be cordial and not be buddy buddy with people
[1:00] Me: Have you seriously been stewing on this all night, because you need to focus your energy somewhere else
[1:00] Him: i want to get to know you, thats why i try talking to you, yes i dont come to you about better things.....which i have to work on, but i would like to be friends with you shasta
[1:01] Him: i respect how you arent afriad to tell someone like it is, and that your a very strong minded person who is very independant <- Flattery gets you...nowhere
[1:01] Me: Okay but thats not how you came at me
[1:02] Me: Feel free to read back what you said earlier
[1:02] Him: i understand what i said was harsh and rude....im sorry, again my verbal skills need some work.... <-Sorry # 1 of this convo
[1:02] Him: and im sory for coming to you with stupid shit like a new dick or somethnig tat shouldnt be talked about <- Sorry # 2 of this convo
[1:03] Him: at the end of it all
[1:03] Him: im just trying to talk to you
[1:03] Him: thats all
[1:03] Me: Heres why we can be cordial but not friends. You say sorry for everything. You cant stand on your own too feet to just say how you feel and stick by it.
[1:03] Me: You know how many times people get mad at me for what I say?
[1:03] Me: But I have to own it
[1:03] Me: and How I feel
[1:04] Him: i havent gotten to exoress how i feel about a lot of things....which is ver damaging to my being able to stand up for what i say and own up
[1:04] Him: *express
[1:04] Him: during my life
[1:05] Him: and i wish i could be more lie you when it comes to that
[1:05] Him: *like
[1:05] Me: Okay well thats another thing. My time here is my SL, not my time to figure out your RL/SL expression
[1:05] Him: im not asking for you to care about my rl/sl anything
[1:06] Me: But thats your reasoning
[1:06] Him: its not
[1:06] Him: im just saying that no i dont speak my mind freely like you do
[1:06] Him: no i cant stand up against people and w/e
[1:07] Me: I seriously dont know what you are expecting from me right now
[1:08] Him: all i want, is to be able to talk to you.....ad for you to feel you can do the same.....thats all i ever wanted.... <- Yeah I got nothing for that one
[1:08] Me: I think its funny you assume I must have been upset about something or whatever, like you said when in all actuality, Im just highly uninterested in miniscule details of other peoples existances that arent really my concern
[1:08] Me: Okay well I still dont get why you are so drawn to needing to know you can talk to me and vice versa
[1:08] Him: i said may have been
[1:08] Me: We didnt make some grand connection so what do you want?
[1:08] Him: its just to be a friend
[1:08] Him: thats all
[1:09] Me: Okay well you cant beg for an unfounded or valid friendship
[1:09] Me: I dont think we have anything in common to be honest
[1:09] Me: Either people click or they dont
[1:09] Me: Do we seriously have to click? <- My not clicking list is far longer than my clicking
[1:09] Him: well, no thats true
[1:10] Him: the i guess that im no use to you as a friend
[1:10] Him: *then
[1:10] Me: Okay and being emo really helps right now
[1:10] Him: oh sure cuz im totally being emo <- Um yeah!
[1:10] Him: i was just saying that theres no point
[1:10] Me: Listen, Im sure you're a nice guy and you have fun and make people laugh and can be genuine in your own way
[1:10] Me: Yes, you are being emo actually
[1:11] Me: But friendship is something that grows, that formulates between people when there is...chemistry of sorts. Im confused as to why you are so drawn to be sure I like you <- Besides the fact that I am a fly ass bish, but I dont do begged connections
[1:11] Me: It doesnt matter if I do or dont, you got ur friends and people that make you happy, youve known me what...a few weeks?
[1:11] Him: it was just a hope that it could work out, but i was totally wrong
[1:12] Me: You act like we were dating *** <- Yeah...we're NOT!
[1:12] Me: Like its all tragic
[1:13] Him: i would try explaining that, but whats the point? you dont care <- i,e please say you do
[1:13] Me: No feel free because it seems like youre trying to guilt trip me which really sucks as a gesture
[1:13] Him: well, do you?
[1:14] Me: Do I what?
[1:14] Him: care about anything I am saying? <- Told you so!
[1:14] Me: Im trying to understand you <- Like going to Ripley's Believe It Or Not
[1:14] Me: Youre making no sense and sounding like Im breaking up with you or something far more serious than two aquantances who just have nothing in commmon
[1:19] Him: thers nothing more worth saying.....cuz its true
[1:19] Him: i took this and made it into something huge, when all i was hoping to get out of it was your friendship
[1:20] Him: just to see a click
[1:20] Him: but now i understand
[1:20] Me: Asking for a friendship doesnt mean youll get it
[1:20] Him: yeah
[1:21] Him: no, your right...absolutely <-I think he's sleepy
[1:21] Me: Okay <- And Im bored
[1:21] Him: well then
[1:21] Hm: i feel like an idiot now....lol
[1:22] Me: Sorry to hear that.
[1:22] Him: no its not you, im just suprised i didnt get it earlier
[1:23] Me: Get what? <- Curious cats FTN themselves...kill me now
[1:23] Him: what i was doing, acting like a fuckin drama queen about it all
[1:24] Him: well, im sorry about all that....im sure thi isnt something you wanted to waste your night with either... <- Sorry # 3 of this convo
[1:24] Me: It happens <- Far too often but yayyy FTN! was born from it
[1:25] Him: i guess ill ask one more stupid question before i leave you alone....how's you night been "aside from this whole conversation)
[1:25] Me: Its been okay, Im looking forward to tomorrow
[1:26] Him: oh, whats going on tomorrow?
[1:26] Me: Dressing up and hopefully going dancing
[1:26] Him: oh cool, hope that you have fun with that

BTW, I so did! The point of this post is this...do not bring me stupid shit if you dont want me to comment. Do not try to reprimand me for having an opinion on said stupid shit. Do not try to guilt trip me, reverse psychology my ass, passively be aggressive and or any other tactics you learned watching America's Next Top Model in your basement. I dont give a fuck if you dont like what I say. You dont have to give a fuck about me or my opinions. Its a mutal fucking freedom here people! Now, if you feel so inclined to give me stupid shit...then just know, I dont bite my tongue much. Im not overtly evil, I dont go out of my way to hurt people or make people cry. But I will be honest with you. And right now, you might think that sucks. But someday, youll look around at people you have no respect for, people who smile to your face and talk nothing but shit behind your back and YOU WILL appreciate my blunt demeanor. You dont have to believe me right now...but trust.

FTN to people wanting rose colored glasses versus true sight. You aint getting it here hombre.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

Feel free to save any comments on this one, I dont drag people on blast, I put them on blast once and Im done. I dont endlessly torment, I make my point and enjoy the life Im livin' Nuff said.

TMI Pt. 1

Heres the story, of a chick named Kitty, who knew some very strange girls. All of them HAD herpes, like their uncles, the youngest one on her ass. (The Brady Bunch Song sucks meatballs.)

Enough being random. So I get a message from someone the other day and in so many words screams out they got an appendage. Yes, I know, this is ground breaking news. But I dont normally give or get these types of messages though Im sure there are plenty of people who want to know all of the happenings of my twat. (If you are one of those people,feel free to subscribe to MyTwatInYoFace.com....I made that up but if there really is a site of such nature, I claim no affiliation and thats not me on the far left, I swear!)

Anyone that knows me, or thinks they know me, could safely say that if I get a stupid message, Im really not scared to say, hey assclown thats all sorts of stupid, only before FTNing said stupid comment. People who dont know me assume I will listen or be annoyed but not say anything. Hence why you will never know me.

Because I want you to understand, I am willing to share the prettiest viewpoints of this conversation. For the well being and sanity of those involved, original names are not included (be grateful.) This post will be done in two parts as these convos could possibly drive you nuts in one sitting. FYI, this person gave me full permission to use their name and or convo material in FTN posts. I leave out name because Im sure he'll regret that choice. The only alterations made to this convo was the changing of names to me me & him or *** for his name. You dont like it...kiss my ass.

Convo 1

-- Instant message logging enabled --
[17:46] Him: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgogomg <-My fave way for you to say hello to me.
[17:46] Him: did you ever post my ftn notice? <-I told him I would post one on the stupid comment he made asking me "what or who I was doing"
[17:47] Him: XD
[17:47] Him: and i just did somerhing very bad
[17:47] Him: i bought myself somethnig......"special"
[17:47] Me: ok <- My interest level
[17:47] Him: and im about to.........use it 0_0
[17:48] Him: im sooo nervous!
[17:48] Him: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgmo <- This apparently means really nervous
[17:48] Me: ok <- My concern
[17:48] Him: is it fun? have you done it before, whats it like? what should i look out for? should i be careful? <- Am I the god damn health clinic?
[17:49] Me: what the fuck are you talking about?
[17:49] Him: idk, im soo nervous and excited....sorry to bug you about it <- Sorry # 1
[17:49] Him: take the 3 word from that sentence.........
[17:50] Him: from what you said, i mean
[17:50] Me: ***, Im really not in the mood for a fucking guessing game with you so either you spill it or im someone else with you panic attack sessions
[17:51] Him: it involves a man and a woman doing things with each other.......intamate things.....I JUST BOUGHT MYSELF A MEMBER!! <- Because Im four...when a someone really loves someone...
[17:51] Me: Why do I need to know this ***?
[17:52] Me: Do I im you and tell you about my twat or when Im fucking?
[17:52] Him: no, im sorry. ill leave you alone, you dont need to know..... <-Sorry # 2
[17:52] Me: Oh no you dont, dont run now <- Starting shit and running doesnt fly with me
[17:52] Me: Because you have involved me
[17:52] Me: and now I wanna all about that furry cock of yours
[17:52] Him: im not running
[17:52] Me: so spill it
[17:52] Him: its not furry
[17:53] Him: i am a human
[17:53] Him: and will remain as one <-He's furry half the time
[17:53] Me: because I sooooo need to know about your cock and balls right? Because we're such good friends <- Falling into the Ive known you less than a month category
[17:53] Me: Has your chick seen it
[17:53] Me: Ya gonna fuck her?
[17:53] Me: When?
[17:53] Him: wait...your being sarcastic arent you? <- Genius!
[17:53] Me: Where?
[17:53] Me: No Im curious
[17:53] Him: oh
[17:54] Him: where idk yet, soon, and no she hasnt
[17:54] Me: Im curious as to why you think I WOULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK if you have a dick or if youd use it. Does it look like you are on my god damn radar that I need a random IM from you explaining to me what you have? Do you really think I dont have better shit to worry about than your fucking twig and berries?
[17:54] Him: ....ok sorry shasta <- Sorry # 3
[17:54] Me: No you arent <- Dont say sorry if you dont mean it!
[17:55] Him: no i really am, i tend to put my foot in my mouth a lot <- This is called back peddling
[17:55] Me: Because youll just im someone else about your dick, so you can twist and shout about it. Its a dick. Its not a big deal
[17:55] Me: Why dont you talk to your girl about ur dick?
[17:55] Me: Im not your chick
[17:56] Me: Therefore the only dick I care about is MY mans
[17:56] Him: youknow what your absoltuly right....i am a complete idiot about all this....and i shouldnt have even bothered you ith it
[17:57] Me: Well, I know ur full of shit and youll just do it again but for right now you just enjoy your new dick, I hope you bust nuts galore and if you have a hugeeee party to celebrate its birth, feel free to toss my invite. Thanks kbye.
[17:58] Me: Nooooo <-So the little message comes up that says "so and so is typing"
[17:58] Me: stop talking
[17:59] Me: i said goodbye
[17:59] Him: ok

[22:16] Him: (and not some gay little avi like i got already) <-This is a comment in open by the same person, hours later at a club. Do you remember when I said I dont like people who refer to bad things as "gay," feel free to insert your own race or your mommas religious belief instead. You are an asshole and so I hate your face.

Here is the number one problem I have with this conversation. It was not meant or delivered as a funny open discussion but a verbal vomit of TMI, it was with someone who I am not close with by any means and it is quite frankly the most teen grid conversation I have ever seen in an adult setting. Are you fucking 12? Why would I care? Was I suppose to jump for joy or go...OMG CONGRATS! You didnt cure cancer. You bought a cock. Yayyyyy


Friday, July 17, 2009


Here's the part where you say "Oh great FTN! Kitty Bish, what's in that busy head of yours?"

And I say..."Oh nothing, except..."

  • Dont you just hate when people scream at you at the club? I'll be the first to admit, I'm a screamer. I'm all about being loud, it's in the genes. But when a DJ or a Host has a complete conversation with themselves about being pissed off that no ones talking...I kinda feel a little pressure to be "on." I think that DJ/Host should feel like shit. They should cry out of pure shame right now. What if I was getting my fuckage on? Do I really need you yelling at me while Im grinding my hips? That's a big hell to the no. If it's so fucking dead in this bitch, why dont you do your god damn job and make something happen. Maybe if you werent a sack of suckage, people would show up. That is all and you are dismissed.
  • Anyone who pastier (I dont care if its not a word...wait, is it? Well if Willy can make up words so can I so suck off!) then a guppy. When the fuck did translucent become a pigment? I can see your fucking ribs hombre, get a tan and eat something while you're at it. Your dagger limbs offend me.
  • Rule of thumb boys, that emo sweep over your face could be semi cute. Bangs down to your god damn jaw are not bangs. Its a fucking curtain. Martha Stewart would be ashamed of your bullshit drapes so how bout we just say no to the covered face man look. And dont you hate on my Martha, that cunt was in the big house, she will assrape you so fucking hard you will shit out magnificantly moist blueberry muffins and a scrap book to log the recipe in.
  • I am not Dr. Phil. Not just because I'm not an overweight balding man named Phil with a major small dick complex but because I dont give a flying rats asshole about your "issues." Thats why they are yours and not ours. They sure as shit wouldnt be mine because Im not that stupid to have those types of fourth grade trivial lumps of bullshit floating around my world. Do not verbally vomit your dumb ass need for attention anywhere within a 30M radius of me. I can only hear within 20M but to be quite honest, if youre ugly, I dont even want you in my cam shot. For that matter, how bout you stand on another fucking sim? Yeah thanks, kbye.
  • [0:28] Masochist who wants to get beat: hey shasta, what or who are you doin? - This is an actual fucking message. I'll let it slide because Im all about one free pass of dorkage/stupidity (we all have bad days). But I will address the hint of ignorance here just because it seems to be ever present amongst a new breed of people I'd like to call AssHOLEumers. (You actually tried pronouncing that out loud didnt you...*waits for the snort*) Am I dime? But of course. And if you dont know, you better ask somebody. Am I...whats the word...sexual? Damn skippy. Twat + Sexual = Hoe? Last I checked...yep thats a big hell no also. Dick + Sexual = "Just being a man." Okay well, guess Im gonna have to rock the cock from now on. Here's a little secret, Im not always fucking. Im not always talking about sex. Im not always in a primal state. Thats only 99% of the time. I can actually multitask so while Im thinking about sitting on a certain someones face, I can also figure out how to put a stop to terrorism. Im a humanitarian, feeding the hungry while solving global issues.
  • Stop being weird. Its just...weird and I dont like it. You need to unweird yourself and join the rest of the party but until then, stay indoors and masturbate without a break while watching the complete first season of Welcome Back Cotter. That'll teach ya!
  • If I have to count the number of letters in your name...so help you god.
  • Those random messages asking "where you from, what do you do for fun in rl, how old are you, what do you look like?" Really? Okay well heres my address. Come to me right now so we can have mind numbing dirty kinky nasty sweaty sex, only after I suck your dick so hard your siblings call to check on you because they "felt the tension." I need you oh so much in my life and oh unheavenly father where have you been all these years. Please oh pretty fucking please come and visit ooo baby oh baby mmm baby! W.T.F. The Girl is from somewhere, one of the things she does for fun is...oh I dont know, might be called SL? The girl is not a 40 year old balding midget named Hank. Is that enough for you? (Im a balding 39 year old midget named Frank.) You need an RL hookup or a new bestie to visit...The Kitty Bish aint it. Kbye.
  • Hey guess what, you're ugly.Stop that. Thanks.

Yep, nothing at all...FTN!

Now returning you to your regularly scheduled fuckup that is your life...hugs and bullshit.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Kill You!

kitty sniper
MySpace Graphics - Myspace Layouts,Graphics, and Comments!

Oh Great Lengths

It is with body, mind and soul I come to you. Every ounce of me perplexed, stupefied even. Not for the simplistic forms of stupidity I see on a daily basis but what great depths corrupt souls go to in order to make a point. Perhaps it is trivial to even consider, to give a second thought. And perhaps, it is something meant to be analyzed, to understand to great lengths in order to avoid...prevent...foresee.

There will always be those lurking in the shadows. Those who thrive on the deliverance of evil. But what is evil? Is it the malicious intent behind false words? Corrupt actions to taint the skins of babes? The silenced witnesses whom are "unafraid" and yet never make a voice known? Is evil in the eye of the beholder...like beauty? If the devil only comes to you in a tempting form, would he not present himself as a God? An Angel? A sign of salvation? Would that not be but the greatest disguise?

Evil waits on bated breath, lurking amidst saints and sinners alike. Evil smiles and claims perfection, stands along on the sidelines and allows the daggers to fly. Evil thrives on the weak, the sick and the blind. It shines the darkest light into corridors unseen by common eyes, planting seeds of corruption to grow for centuries after our demise.

I couldnt even FTN! the great lengths people would go to win a battle. Waging wars on the smallest of islands, on the largest of continents, against unarmed soldiers and armies of one. This one is just what it appears to be, words beside words beside words.

What is evil? It is in us all, the possibility to grow and spawn and leech and maim. It is a ghastly demon that faults all but its own creator, its own will of manifestation. I keep asking myself that question because Im searching for the answer. What is more evil? Going the distance to wreak havoc or standing still and watching the flames?

~The Kitty Bish~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Assclown Non-Working Workers.

You set the alarm, get your ass out of bed and beautify your face so you can head to the club with your girls. Walking in, you hear some tunes and start to shake your ass. The lights are flickering, the bass is pumping and you know this is going to be a fun night. Until...you hear emo people shouting out their insignificant little dramas into your bubble. Bet you wished you worked here. Well, you shouldnt. And here is why...

  • I cannot stand people who want to work so badly at one of these clubs and then have the nerve to bitch and moan because they cant do shit their way. They are so self absorbed, these little shits assume they can do whatever, whenever. NEWSFLASH: You wanna run some shit? How bout you infest your money into owning a club and then talk to me about who has the right to instill what rules.
  • Yes, I am the first to say RL comes first. But playing up that excuse of "I should be able to basically have any schedule I want because my RL is so busy," is a crock of shit. Is it that busy when you are sucking your mans dick? How bout when you are being a shopaholic? There will always be priority. But in all actuality, there are people who are running a business and it doesnt include making your RL schedule their priority. So keep the job and pick a shift or fucking bounce. Its not that hard. Just dont be emo about it.
  • Asking someone for advice on an event and in turn, taking that persons idea completely is fucking lame. If you cant think up something on your own, the least you could do is give credit where credit is due. This is called intellectual property. And people have a right to keep this property without you claiming it in one conversation. This one pisses me the fuck off because its very easy to say, I need help...you always have ideas...save me. And then stomp around when shit doesnt go their way and these shits try to use that idea as leverage. Well, feel free to keep walking because you have no leverage. The idea was mine and I can prove it and Im not going anywhere.
  • Passive aggressive people really just need to fall off the face of the earth. Just die already. Im begging you.
  • Working at a place only to talk shit about it when you think you are going to get booted...you are a clown. Please dont tell me your itty bitty fucking event is "well established." Ive seen well established. Ive seen events, clubs and people who have taken the time to make a real outstanding name for themselves. Talking shit is just that, talking shit. I dont have to hang out somewhere to acknowledge that it is respected in terms of what it brings for entertainment value. Again, you give credit where credit is due and you STFU otherwise.

This post is very fucking specific. I cannot stand DJ's who willing take a job somewhere and then get pissy because they arent treated like Gods. You arent a God. WTF is your major malfunction. You are some bitch who spins tunes...bad ones. Kelly Clarkson at an Industrial Club...really? You are serious? I am by far not perfect but the difference between us is I make choices and in turn I respect a manager/owners right to say "Thats a no go." Its always the bitches who do absolutely nothing that wanna pipe up and say how much they have brought to the table. If you were really an asset, you would never have to say what youve done. Ive done a lot of work in my time around, a lot of it unnoticed, but I know I did it and thats all I fucking need. You want a trophy for showing up to work? When you pay rent, you can say whatever the fuck you want. Until then, take your rainbow bright ass to the nearest grocer, by a bic razor and shave your eyeballs. This makes me smile.

FTN! to whiney ungrateful backstabbing lowlife scum who think they could ever possibly run shit. Im laughing at you right now. Cuz youre an assclown.

Fuck Tech Support

Once upon a time, there was some chick who had an issue with something and so she made the mistake of calling Tech Support. One hundred dollars and 3 hours later, she received no real help and hung up livid. This girl hates tech support.

So The Kitty Bish must intervene. This unfolds into a much larger issue but I will get to that momentarily. For right now, let us visit the fucked up world that is Tech Support. First of all, why the fuck does the menu have to be 5 minutes long?

"Press one if you would like to speak to a representative. Press two if you would like to upgrade service. Press three if you are constipated. Press four if this fucking message is pissing you off. Press five if you are screaming right now. Press six if you are looking up our address to come kill us all..."

Seriously, we can narrow this down to two options. Here is FTN's version of the Tech Support menu.

"Press one if your shit is jacked the fuck up. Hang the fuck up if it isnt. The end."

Isnt that simple? Moving on. So you finally get past the menu, only after listening to some really bad elevator music that had to be picked out by some 80 year old schmuck named Gunther Wallock. Doesnt Gunther just scream elevator music, easy listening, jacks off to Kenny G? I agree.

Some fine young lady or gentleman picks up the line. Now heres where I begin to lose my cool. So this person picks up the line and says their name. Now mind you, I would say, 7 out of 10 times, I can tell a particular ethnicity by a persons speech. Diction is key to what region you were raised in. Do I really care where this Techie if from, not so much. What fucking annoys the shit out of me is when someone, whos voice makes it very fucking clear they are from a very far off place, tells me their name is Bob or Jenny or Gracie. Really?

Because I know plenty of white Tyrones and plenty of black Magdalenas. Oh theres a big boom of chinese Mohammads and even more Middle Eastern people named BOB! That is a crock of shit. If a company chooses to be a shithead and outsource every god damn thing possible, why hide it? Why ask these people to give false names in order to comfort me? (I know for a fact this is done as I investigate my shit first so back the fuck up before you get sassy with me.)

Why the fuck do I even need to be comforted? I just want to fix my shit. Does this company assume that I would just hang up or go ballistic because Ackmed answered my call? How many people really fucking run and hide because Wang Fucking Chung decided to be my rep this fine evening? I dont want to talk to Gracie or Jenny or Bob for that matter. Last I checked, I wasnt required to change my name in order to complete my eight hour shift...except that time I was the phone operator but if you tell em your name, those jerkoffs start trying to find you for the live show...or so I've heard.

"Jenny" tries to help me and fucking fails because her "resources" do not enable her to do much for me. Im so sure, because Google was running slow that night. Then there is "Gracie," who keeps saying "I am here to help you. Do not fear." Did she really just say "do not fear." This bitch went all Avengers on me. Dun Dun Dun DUNNNN, Techie Support to the rescue!!!!! Maybe...um one moment...can I put you on hold for two minutes while I check my resources...God Damn Google...wait, are you still there? God Damn it, where is the hold button *click...dial tone*

So "Gracie" says, "I just need this S/N number." So the girl reads it off to her. For this posts sake we'll say it is M9845J008M. So the girl says every number and letter clearly, because she can have good diction when the fuck she wants, so what you think about that ya scuzz bucket!
"Gracie" decides to repeat the number back to make sure its correct. So she says, "M as in Mark, the numbers 9..8..5...the letter J as in Jack...zero...zero...the letter H as in Harry...the letter M as in Mark." So the girl says, "um no...I said 8. The number 8 before the M." So fine old "Gracie" decides she needs to read it back again and surprise surfuckingprise, this douchebag says "H as in Harry."


So, the girl turns into The Motherfucking Count off Sesame Street..."THE NUMBER 8, READY? 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8, 8, 8, THE FUCKING NUMBER 8!"

Needless to say, "Gracie" figured out that it was an 8 before that M and not H as in Harry.

With time wasted, and a warrenty updated for something that must now be thrown away, the girl hung up livid. Looking back, I can see why. Here at FTN! We DO NOT hate anyone for their race, their sex (unless its short and stubby or crusty and stretched), their creed (unless they dont keep that shit to themselves), age, etc etc fucking etc. What we hate is stupidity. If you cannot help, dont say that you can. If you cant understand me, do not fucking sass me. If it is clearly stated that you are not understood, putting someone on hold DOES NOT HELP! It only magnifies the anger which will now be projected at you with no fucking mercy.

I, The Kitty Bish, feel the same way about outsourcing as I do about celebrities who adopt babies from random countries in order to feel like they are changing the world. Adopting children and taking them away from their environment can be a good thing. Depriving a child of their culture and using them as press time can be very fucking bad. These two things are one and the fucking same to me. You want to give jobs to people from who knows where...why? Because its cheaper. You arent helping these people. You are being greedy. Mind you there are lay offs all over the fucking place and there are people with fucking degrees stuck flipping burgers because thats the only option they've got left. Yeah, fuck your degree, now get me my fries. You want to adopt foreign babies to make yourself appear worldly, because the local starving homeless children sure dont need your help. Fuck em right?

FTN! To Tech Support and the greedy disgusting excuses of life who play up their bullshit good deeds by "spreading wealth and opportunity," when in all actuality, it will always be for one thing...so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Tech Support and their non trained asses can suck my left tit and the right one and rub my back and NOT call me in the morning because heaven knows I hate elevator music. Ill never hear the name Harry again and not want to scream!

That is all, back to your regularly shceduled program, already in progress ya hoe bags. Fucking TIVO junkies.

P.S. I would like to take a moment of silence to acknowledge Blanket Jackson. Fuck the child molesting king of pop being dead...his son is named BLANKET! Keep an eye out for his stints in rehab. Meh, could be worse. He could have been named Gunther.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mushy Moment

  • Friends who have stuck around thru the test of time.
  • New friends who make me laugh.
  • My shoulders to lean on and my hands to hold.
  • Positive energy.
  • Sitting on the couch on the beach whole heartedly enjoying yourself and not wanting to be anywhere else.
  • Good music, especially Diamond Girl when I need it the most.
  • Knowing people can be flawed and still be considered good.
  • Having a gigglefest and not being able to stop.
  • Never wanting to.

I say all of the mean things, all the things that annoy me to pieces but every once in awhile, I have to remind myself that through the laughs over it, through the annoyance, even through the anger, there are always good times to be had. And I appreciate those that share them with me. Mad love

And um...fuck you and stuff. I FTN! your face. *puffs up and acts cool*

Independence Day Comes Early This Year

With the upcoming celebration of an Independence of some sort, the Kitty Bish wants to feel liberated too. What better venue to do just that than right here and what better time than right now. This one is for the vipers and the vixens, the leeches and the sheep, the herders and the blindly mute, the deaf inactive and the ones who know it all and yet dont know shit.

The Kitty Bish started FTN! to say fuck it to anything and everything that interupted the personal fun of anyone and everyone. Because who the fuck are we to stand in the way of what makes people happy, of how they choose to exist in this life? Yes, I can be a mean little bish, fiesty and in your face. I can even be a little cruel, when the timing is justified. But I say a big, huge, undeniable FTN! to those that assume they are untouchable in their tyranny.

Andddddd the gloves come off and the guns are blazing. Because I've been very well behaved. But in all actuality, I never should have behaved. I should have snarled my teeth and blasted out some shit when I had the chance. Who am I behaving for? Who exactly am I trying to appease? Because last I checked, there isnt one single person who is taking care of my shit but me. There isnt one person responsible for my island existing but me. Not one person responsible for me having a job but me. Not one person but me making the choice to get out of my kitty bed each day and choosing to enjoy my existance. Thats right people, I run my shit. I know this comes as a huge fucking surprise to you.

This is not about one particular thing. This is about a culmination of bullshit. Now some of it may not be delivered in malice and some, Im so sure has been. But when it festers, it is bound to boil over and this right here is some hot lava running right out Mt. Shasta, hoping it burns your fucking skin off.

  • Though I appreciate the concern, I dont want it. From anyone. It is not because I think I know better, it is not even because I think it is in malice. With concern comes doubt and doubt is not something I want in my world. Being concerned over who the Kitty Bish associates with, where the Kitty Bish has been as of late, why the Kitty Bish has declined anything or left anywhere is only one persons business. YOU GUESSED RIGHT. The Kitty Bish herself. Feel free to be insulted but there are only so many times a kitty can get a message asking where she's been without wanting to scream. This leads to my next point.
  • If I leave a place, and I did it kindly...no drama, no scenes, no tantrums, just deep consideration, than it is no ones place to ask about it. I have done my part by leaving in peace. In turn, I expect peace. This goes for EVERYONE. DO NOT poke me after almost never having any conversations with me at all to ask why I am not in a certain place. We didnt talk before, why the fuck do you care now? If I answer, in a cordial matter, I want to do new things (or whatever the response I gave the multiple times I was asked) I expect you to take the hint and hereby STFU!
  • People who point the finger and say "everyone starts drama but me," are the same people who make these inquiries and pry for information. I am hereby uninterested in feeding your sick need for new shit to dwell on. Im not in the mood to channel surf with you thru the days novellas so feel free to find someone else to pester.
  • Anyone who knows me knows my profile reflects my mood. It changes very quickly and I like it that way. People are taken out just as quickly as they go in and sayings change depending on my inspiration and what book The Girl is reading this week. In turn, people who profile whore, I dont have a problem with you. What I do have a problem with is anyone who feels they have a right to question...comment...and/or dictate what goes into someone elses profile. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE? Does the world really center around you? Are you are that important?
  • The Kitty Bish went to a place where people were very open about biting. Someone asked and I declined as this is not something I play with. I dont personally believe in playing that role and so I dont. In the same notion, if you do, I dont hate you for it. Just respect that I dont role the way you role. Problem solved.
  • If you RP than RP. If you are partial, then do it part time. If you dont, than dont. Please dont say you dont and your actions and obsessions say you do. This makes you look like a fucking fool. I dont rock a President of The United States of America tag in all seriousness and then say "but I dont RP." Last I checked...Im not Obama. Ya feel me? Good.
  • I do not need to see your entire fucking wardrobe. I dont care what you wear. You probably arent on my radar so asking me if I wanna see, what do I think, what should you get, where should you get it, etc etc etc...nope, not even interested a little.
  • Guys who fall asleep while having sex...this one is just funny and yet I still must FTN! it. (Sorry J, had to do it.)
  • I will again FTN! myself for taking one hour and 26 minutes to get my stream set up for my first official DJ set. Even I am not safe from the FTN! wrath. But ya love me so fuck you.
  • RANDOM PEOPLE WALKING ONTO MY ISLAND. WTF DID YOU COME FROM AND WTF ARE YOU STILL HERE?????????????????? I swear to little baby jesus in a tutu, I offered this girl a suite, asked if she wanted coffee and chocolates in the morning and she came back with "No thank you, that wont be necessary." >.< KILL ALL THE NEWBS NOW!!!!
  • Anyone who is mindless (afk) longer then they are active. I have been guilty of this one myself and it kinda sucks. But I was busy that day so suck a twat.
  • Stop taking yourselves so seriously people. Its just silly. Think ahead ten years and ask yourself, whats going to matter? Exactly. Im sure nothing you are doing or saying right now will even be remembered. So why all the drama?
  • The Kitty Bish has been reminded time and time and time again that "people walk on eggshells because of who you know and they fear what repercussions they may face." Well, Im really sorry you feel that way. I dont own anyone and no one owns me. Connections outside of this life are just that, bonds that cannot be swayed or broken just because there is no affiliation in this world. That being said. If you think lil ol me had/has any control over your existance...it must be one sad excuse for an existance because Im not even looking your way.
  • "Oh you'll be back." You wanna bet? The audacity and nerve of anyone to assume or even formulate those words. Please count your blessings that I cant kick you in the fucking throat. I am not someone who believes in revolving doors. I am not someone who does major things in haste. I am not someone who does not think thru very important decisions before taking action. Life is a chess board. And I know all of my moves to reach checkmate before you've even considered moving that pawn. So next time you say "Oh you'll be back," think again about who you are talking to. Visiting a place doesnt mean I want back. Visiting means just that. Because there will always be beautiful people I enjoy knowing. You...are not one of them.
  • Reputations. Everyone has one. Before you judge one, look at your own.
  • Any guy who asks a girl to partner/engage/marry him after a week WITHOUT talking to the girls parents/family. You are officially lame. Sorry but its so true. A WEEK? For some sad people, it takes that long to rez shit. WTF?

This group may dwindle, people may pout and bitch. I might even get afew messages asking what I meant. Spare me. Or dont. I might just need some juice for the next post. Im not interested in walking on eggshells for anyone. Im not interested in being anyones sheep or watching my mouth to make anyone feel safe or privileged. You dont have to like what is said, you dont have to agree. But hell if I wont say it. I can FTN! in a crowd or FTN! alone. Ive been doing it for years.

Sometimes we have to FTN! ourselves. Look at the choices we've made, the changes we've allowed others to instill in us. Sometimes, we have to FTN! people we care about. Sometimes we have to FTN! people we love. True tyranny is not one entities control over many. It is being indifferent about losing oneself. THAT above all else, deserves the ultimate F.T.N!

The Kitty Bish