Friday, September 18, 2009

You Really Are Deranged

Here's to people who never stop inspiring.

The Kitty Bish is dancing in a club, mind you, not surrounded by anyone she really knows except for one awesome lady (Love Ya Top). Would my night be of any interest if I didnt get a random message from some scum bag I stopped talking to a very long time ago? Of course not. Because if there werent stupid people, there would be no FTN! and without FTN! people wouldnt be entertained and puppies would have to be maimed (Thanks Poi).

Here's a clue. Just for any of the dimwitted freaks who so happen to inhabit the earth, sadly taking up space. Any comment about the girl or her life outside of the confines of the place you so see the Kitty Bish is never up for discussion. Comments about race will automatically get you blacklisted. Being so bold to attempt to talk to me now only shows your stupidity. And I feel sorry for you.

Lets make this really clear, really quickly, because apparently is wasnt clear the first time. My connection with any place does not dictate my reactions to moronic speech. I dont care if Im in a room of vamps or clowns, its all the fucking same to me. My stand on rascist commentary does no waver because of a title I wore in the past and does not waver now because I no longer hold that title.

Flattery gets you absolutely nowhere. Telling me "you were one of the cool people," just makes me laugh at you. You got banned from a place because you were an asshole, whether I was "family" back then or not. People stood by that choice and still do and telling me I should be over your rascist moment only clarifies to me one thing; people dont change. Some people are clearly lost to their own ignorance.

If you think, for a moment, that something only matters if I have people to back are sadly mistaken. I dont need anyone to back me, no one to stand ground beside me or defend my name or nature. There are certain battles that just arent worth my energy, not even for a second and are easily dismissed. There are certain battles that deserve to be fought, perhaps pointless, but I'll do my part by not staying voiceless on the matter.

Crash, if you think being a rascist in any form of the word is something that can be easily dismissed by conducting such acts in a fantasy world, I am sad for you. If your fantasy is to only magnify the lack of braincells you really have, then so be it. But keep that noise to yourself. Its the ugliest form of human behavior and I can only send my condolescences for the people who have to breath your air.

FTN! to people who disgrace themselves in ignorance and further shame themselves in denial. Ugly is ugly, hope you see that soon enough.

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