Sunday, September 6, 2009


Disappointed in the human condition, it is with all of my body and breath that I shrug off conditional evaluations, critical connotations and the lack of respect for ones private institutions. Heaven only knows this one got twisted for convenience, just like everything else right? One would know the art of twisting fiction into fact, a life made on it. Holding grudges is easy to do and two can play at this game.

Lack of responsibility is appearing common and Id like to give kudos to cold hearts and single tracked minds. As the world is all about what matters most when it is of benefit. Hypocrisy now shines on deaf ears, whats good for the

The world is bigger than ourselves. Just blips in time, events and people that wont matter much in years to come and yet, so fixated on the moment at hand. Continue to use my name when it does not belong. Ammunition to feed a fire that is not mine to nurture. Stifle rumors and drama but create and pass it just the same. But there is no programming needed. I know what I know and its clear as day. Not by words alone but simply by the default of actions.

I am water, the rest is yours to keep. Being demoted doesnt phase me. When Im needed again, there I will be. And it will be my turn to say "what do you want." Because apples dont fall far from trees. The heartless never change. A sad and sick truth. Redemption is just too little too late. Forgiveness is not nor will it ever be an option.

The change from bad to worse...FTN!

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