Sunday, March 22, 2009

Super or Super Plus?

*Before I begin, I reserve the right to say whatever the fuck I want and if you dont like it, FTN!*

No one is safe. Not even you. Especially not while you are shopping. Predators are everywhere, we have all met them, in one form or another. They usually start off with a compliment, because flattery seems to work for complete tards. My most recent experience started something like this…

“Greetings” - Is this fucking Star Trek? Sounds like Marvin the Martian, very authoritative.

Ello - This usually means leave me alone because I’m obviously in this store to shop and not talk to you.

“How are you today?” - 99% of the people who ask this question don’t actually give a flying fuck how you are, this is just a sad attempt to be polite and segue into the meat of things.

I’m well. - I don’t want to talk to you and even if my hair was falling out, my pussy was broken and my ass crack needed filling, I still wouldn’t tell you.

“I must compliment you look nice *smiles* - Okay, so I know I’m a fucking dime piece. You don’t have to tell me this. I tell myself twice in the shower, four times every hour and triple that when I’m having sex. Trust me…I KNOW!

I appreciate that, thank you. - This is my nice way of saying the above.

“yw.” Polite people scare me.

“Have you ever thought of becoming a vampire?” - This is where my eyes start to roll.

I am a proud member of Transylvania - This is where you shut the fuck up and let me shop.

“Not into bloodlines huh?” - Did I fucking stutter?

Actually no, Im loyal to my Transylvanian family. - Nuff said.

And so the conversation died with that.
Now, lets examine this situation.
First off, I was shopping and you never ever mess with a kitty bish, any bitch for that matter when she is trying to spend money, it is simply bad for your health. People have lost eyes for less.
Second, did this beefy top heavy motherfucker just ask me if I wanted to become a vampire? Personal belief tells me it is within you, its whether or not you are awakened and aware of its existence. Now how exactly did he plan on making me one? Was he gonna do a little jig, flex those man titties at me? I would just like to point out that your areola is the size of Connecticut. If I wasn’t so distracted by the landscape that which is your nipplage, I may have felt so inclined to slap the shit out of you for asking me some dumb shit.
I’ll play fair. He was curious because it was obvious from the moment he said hi that he was a bloodliner. Now if you are easily offended and havent already bounced, now would be the time, im going into bigger territory...
Are the pussies gone yet? Okay, thank my lucky fucking stars. So, I got to thinking and there is only one annoyance that reminds me so much of the bloodliners. No, im not talking about the itchies, you dirty bastards. I’s a clean bish. Im talking about Jehovahs Witnesses. Yep, the bloodliners are our very own door knocking, bad suit wearing, bicycle riding, huge helmet rocking recruiters. They want to hand out pamphlets and tell you to join their crew because you will then get 70 virgins in heaven…or is that the terrorists…hell if I know. Bottom line is, I don’t want to be apart of their checklist to get that 70 plus daisy train going. Im kinky but 70 is just greedy as fuck. How can you trust that shit? Someone pointed out to me that this could also be compared to mormons, which is fine too. I think they wear magical underwear…which in turn makes a bloodliner…a fucking KOTEX!
We don’t have to agree on what is real and what isn’t, because I know I am right and you are wrong. But one would hope that we agree on this…would anyone with a right mind want to join any group/family that implies they are a god damn KOTEX! Are the higher ups tampons? This is just far too distorted for my amusement. Who the fuck would do that to someone, I kinda feel bad for those losers for just a second. Wait…im over it.
There are only a few things that I cannot and will not separate in my existence from the rest of the real world and that is the truth I find in the space and time shared with a place I call home…Transylvania. Feel free to school me or tell me I need to join some new and improved glampyr hotspot. And I will continue to laugh since all I see are walking panty liners.


  1. I almost barfed up my hot chocolate!! FTN! :-D

  2. No barfs!!! you lubbers the panty liners *snorts*
