Thursday, March 19, 2009

FTN! Welcome...

It's the guy who chews with his god damn mouth open
The girl who really shouldnt be wearing that tube top in your plain of sight
The shriveled dick loser who swears he's gonna break you
When the phone wont stop ringing while you're trying to sleep
Waiting in line behind the moron who cant seem to remember his/her pin number
The same song gets played over and over on the radio
When the above happens on every station

Guys who fuck hoes but complain cuz its loose
Girls who claim innocence because they only give head
Anytime someone intentionally copies your style...and tells you so
Pity parties/guilt trips from the rejected
People who say "Hi" but really mean "Who are you with...what are you doing?"
Social Climbers
Unoriginal people who spew bitchassness when you call them out

It's the DJ who says "Um" eighteen million times
The stripper who replies, "mmmmm"
The diva who refuses to crack a smile
It's that one person who will always try to convince you they know you better then you know yourself
The cookie cutter factory that continues to pump out the same lame shit

It's anything and everything that blocks creativity
It's an empty canvas
It's an empty page
It's a closed mind

...It's Noise...


This is going to be the start of a very fucked up ready?


  1. "The shriveled dick loser who swears he's gonna break you"
    You wonder if these kind of guys exist? I'm embarased to admit they do, I've met two of them, two too many. Both self-proclaimed Masters.No doubt all the talk was them trying to compensate for their inability to even get it up. You're gonna break me? OK when does the breaking start? I actually heard this line "I'm really good once I get going" Are you fucking serious?! Oh and that wasn't true either. Are there any real men out there? I mean well balanced no headgamers? I ask do THEY exist?

  2. Optimism says they do, reality says otherwise. For the most part, they probably hide behind the title and hope that will be enough for you. Last I checked, no one was busting nuts over anything as lame as that...but maybe you forgot to turn the switch on, because in the end, you is always your fault they suck. FTN!
