Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pussified Award

And so the inspiration keeps on coming...

Good morning class. Todays topic will be bobblehead morons who think playing the victim will somehow get them out of owning up to their bitchassness. The number one rule of FTN is mind your fucking business. Now, dont get me wrong, I comment on all types of shit. But I do it both when someone is gone and when they are right in my face, preferably the latter. Its consistancy. Dont act like a playboy and imply, gesture, whisper or straight out so you would so go there with me if you could...dont doubt me, I saved that shit...and then swear there is no hidden agenda.

Do not pour your haterade my way because I am actually enjoying the company I keep. I wish you could say the same but obviously not if you are willing to go on and on for an hour about nothing while you are suppose to be making breakfast. My dear class...learn from this chickenshit whores mistake...if you dont like something or someone...FTN IT! But saying shit, "joking" or not after someone leaves makes you a pussy and pussies are not allowed. They are banned. Because that is rotten smelly pussy and we no likey the cottage cheese.

If you decide to start a battle by opening your mouth, dont assume everything with a twat will become a damsel to you. Some of us actually have brains and we arent scared. I understand the desperation to use any means to get out of losing this battle. But speaking for a whole group of people, contradicting yourself and just sounding like a tard is not going to help you.

I would like to start a "Save The Bobbleheads" Foundation. It is our duty to help those in need. And the Bobblehead species is one that is only morphing into the ugliest type of bitchassness. This would be the egomaniac bitchassness. Be careful, it is fucking highly contagious.

Here are a few identifying features you can use to figure out if that lame ass is a Bobblehead and how you too can help...

1. Bobbleheads will change to whatever the situation is. If you are mad, they play victim and if you are weak they try to dom you. A nice hearty STFU is always in order at this time.
2. Bobbleheads will try to hit on you even when they have someone, all the while making the list even longer of how many other people they are trying to fuck with. I dont know how this species even gets this sort of attention but I think it may have something to do with pretending like they are someone important.
3. Bobbleheads will play dumb and deny everything thereafter, surely relaying the message of everything you have said while omitting all the nasty shit they have said themselves.
4. Bobbleheads like to touch people without permission and then want kudos for not doing so after you have repeatedly asked them not to. FYI. Molesters dont get kudos for not touching little boys. Its not a triumph, its called not being a douchebag.
5. Bobbleheads will always wait until they have their army/ girlfriends/ boyfriends/ fanclub/ groupies etc etc with them before they will puff up. This makes them feel somehow important because everyone knows if someone sees you being hardcore, its always true.
6. Bobbleheads dont understand what "leave me alone," or "I dont like you," means. Heaven knows they have enough nasty bitches waiting...Walmart Hoes...that they really cant get over the fact you dont like them.
7. Bobbleheads think they are a gift to the world and have no real clue that they dont compare.

My advise is take pity. Or run. Very fast. I hereby nominate Bobbleheads for the PUSSIFIED Award. Come get your dildo trophy and stick it up your saggy twat.

Fake ass pussy motherfuckers who talk a big game but are really just bad ugly man whores who cant back their shit up....FTN!!!!!!!

Class dismissed!

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