Thursday, April 16, 2009

Puncturing An Artery

All good things come to those who wait. I think you've waited long enough. Now is an opportune time to touch base on a pivotal nugget of information.
Just a couple of nights ago, the restless Kitty Bish was informed of an enlightening and ever so humorous slew of events. But for you to understand the magnitude to which these events are important, you have to know a little story. Grab some popcorn...
Ready? Okayyyy

There once was a white haired cunt that we'll call Wayla. Now this ghetto bootied hoe must've been smoking the bad cheeba because she actually fell for a grotesque illiterate bastard, we'll call him Dork. These two had some mushy ass romance way back, I still think she was drugged, but their story and connection ended a very long time ago (over a year). I guess Mr. Speak and Spell felt all lonely and needy so he and his little winkie decided to move on to squishy pastures, which is where Im sure he met the cow he is with now...we'll call this thing Lisper. Weyla moved on like a smart hoe. (She is definitely not in the Walmart category of hoeism). Ms. Lispy apparently has yet to do so, then again, I cant blame her since being with Mr. No Brain Dead Beat Man Boob Loser Extraordinaire must be some work.

Now my little petunias, you must be wondering, "Oh great FTN! Kitty Bish, why do you bless us with such a story?" - And if you dont, I kill your face. My dear beloved FTNers, it has come to light that people just dont know when to let the past be the past. Just the other night, an alt of no recognition left a fellow FTNer (Thats Leyla if your moronic ass missed the Weyla/Leyla thingy...keep up people!) an offline.

Now this offline was a copy and paste of the cows (thats Lisper whos real name is Whisper BTW) profile. I feel the need to share this and since "someone" felt the need to send it to Leyla in such a pussified care package as an offline (yes, lets wait for her to be gone before we bulk up...under an alt -.- ) I see no reason to not share it with you. And so it said *ahem*

Titled - The Game That Is Secondlife
"Smiles Knowingly....So now that no one cares or is looking...I will say it...****I WIN**** OMG did I win...mmhmmm." End Note
*gags and pukes and feels her braincells jumping ship on this one*


Could there be any bigger of a miscalculation on this heffers part? Please tell me what the incentive was on sending this to the white haired cunt? Another bag of Funyuns? A double cheeseburger? A soda pop, I mean won? Thats just pitiful. I dont know about the rest of you, but last I checked, if I was super happy, I sure wouldnt have the time, nor wish to spend it if I did on tracking down my mans ex, getting all up on the alt, copying, pasting, sending this lame shit out and then of course, standing by to see a reaction. You think this is happiness? WRONG! Face it, you're bored, I would be too, Ive seen him. Maybe he took too long getting off the short bus, maybe you got tired driving it. Who the hell knows, but in all actuality, there isnt a thing you could post, say, do to show you're happy except...SHUT THE FUCK UP! This would also make the rest of us happy as well.

"Now no one cares or is looking"
Along with sending an offline, this statement will hereby offically be labeled your self proclamation of being a pussy. Of course no one is looking or cares, I do believe fecal matter gets more coverage on a weekly basis then the sight of your face or the dysfunctional ramblings of that odd shaped mouth of yours. But kudos to you for finally being seen, it only took one year, an alt, an offline and oh who the hell knows how many hours of chugging some hard liquor to effectively stimulate those beer goggles you call your perception. It it with deep sympathy that I look down at you, yes down because there isnt a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I am and always will be better than you, and say this...get.a.fucking.clue. But thank you for throwing yourself into the spotlight, Ive always wanted to know what regurgitated horse shit looks like.

The biggest laugh of win? Really? Now, what exactly did you win? What was this grand prize you boast of? Thats like gloating you won a broken McDonalds toy, which is where you'll probably be eating all of your dinners here on out with his broke ass. You should be so proud.

Oh yes, this is a personal attack. This is the Kitty Bish saying a little too much a little too soon but you know something, FTN! I dont judge anyones existance. You want to mix your 1st and 2nd life, thats your biz. You want to rp til your eyes bleed, you want to mix, double dip, suck on brain candy, find friends, fill a void, be inspired, I DONT CARE! To each their own. I give out the same amount of respect on that front as I expect and rightfully demand. The bone I have to pick is someone who obviously did take it outside of the box and yet cant just fucking die already, wanting to try to fuel an unlightable fire in a world that should be solely for peoples enjoyment.

I'd whisper but only cowards fuck with that nonsense, so Ill say this one loud and clear, you wanna play the hardcore chick, be prepared to back your shit up and dont wait a year. waited a fucking year. This is me laughing at you because you fail. Feel free to spend some more nights contemplating how you will try to inflict a wound on the white haired cunt. She is currently in dispose but I would be glad to say a few choice words to irrational, irresponsible, irritating and quite frankly annoying as fuck individuals.

You see, we pick out battles here at FTN! and one battle stands the test of time. This circle right here is like family to me and that is the one thing I would be glad to puncture an artery for. Im sure Leyla would feel almost sad for you but she too has moved on to much bigger and much better things. Quite frankly, I think rather than talking shit, you really should be sending her flowers and thank yous, shes been there done that and trained the little shit as much as she could along the way. Though some dogs really should just be put down, never can get them to buck up.

FTNers, I say this as genuinely as is possible for the Kitty Bish, when dealing with cowards like these, people who could actually fail at being malicious, you want to take pity. You want to throw them a bone. This is mine. When dealing with people who mix for the sake of mixing, be prepared to deal with people who dont realize you have a life outside of this existance we call SL. Not everyone mixes, some people are just untouchable. Enjoy them for what they are, for what they do share with you, and if that be the body that is in front of you, a segment of the mind they are willing to divulge, feel honored. Do not shame me by trying to coax or trying to start drama when they have obviously moved on to better things. This makes you sad. The white haired cunt is free game, go postal for all I care. That entity can manage and probably enjoys the fight. But the one behind it...that one is untouchable. You couldnt compare, not even if you spent a lifetime trying. Not in a 2nd, a 3rd, a 16th life coming back as the ultimate could you compare. So give it a rest, its old, its ugly and gosh darn it, you look like a tard.

Complete Moronic Fugly Dead Beats and The Saggy Twat Faces Who Worship Them Because Their Both Highly Codependant And Extremely Low And Someone HAS To Be The Next Bowel Movement Of The Earth...On the next GERALDO!


P.S. Ill be looking for my offline. I fucking dare you.
*Giggles* Now I Win =)

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