Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pet Peeves

Anyone who remotely knows the Kitty Bish knows that there are many pet peeves that could go on this list, hell, FTN! was basically started off of the simple concept of being able to say fuck that confidently to all of those things. Some are more serious then others, some get under my skin a bit quicker, some are based on the Kitty Bishes existance alone and some are outside elements too annoying to ignore, either way...FTN! to all of that...

  1. Girls who cant admit they masturbate. Listen here ladies, if you dont, you should, that shit is healthy. And no one can fuck you like you can. Get in touch with yourself, its really a kickass relationship, never have to ask how anyone else is feeling, can take up the whole bed doing it and you can go as fast or slow, last as long or as short as you wanna and the end result is always the same, if you touch it, you will cum. There is no shame in this.
  2. Anyone with more then ten letters in their name. If you have a number in your name, I especially hate you. I think I've touched based on this before but you just refuse to die already so I feel the need to remind you. Being "Peaches&Creme2 Boucher" makes you fucking lame. Was Peaches&Creme1 taken? Ironically, some other moron thought of that exact same name? You should both choke on a peach, like...five minutes ago.
  3. ANYONE who uses "thats so gay" as a way to say "thats so bad." I hate these people, loathe. And if you dont find this offensive, feel free to replace it with a color, race, gender, creed and get my drift. Its ugly and though people can be as ugly as they want to be, we all have our moments, this is a "you got beat with the ugly stick moment" that isnt easily forgivable. I might end up liking Peaches&Creme2 Boucher if she is actually interesting, cant, on the other hand, like the loser who uses "thats so gay." Thats just asshat verbage.
  4. Any stripper who includes the words "wet" and their genitals in the same sentence when performing. Shake those titties girl but feel free to keep your wet vagina off the stage. Dont rub your stiff penis against the pole and please dont wag your plump anus at me. This makes me nausceous.
  5. Complimenting my choice in clothing is fine. Saying you like my look, kudos. I know Im pretty damn smexy, I dont blame you. But please, take a whopping two seconds and think of something better then "you make that scarf look magical." Do I look like fucking Aladdin, is there a fucking carpet ride next? You are offically a dipshit and I hate your face.
  6. People who send random pictures to you without involving it in a discussion beforehand. The ineviatble question will arise..."how do I look," and because you gave me no fair warning, I am forced to tell the truth, because lying takes me at least five seconds to work out. Why do people ask "How do I look?" Because you dont really want to know, you want to hear..."omfg you look amazing." So feel free to set up this unwarrented Q&A session with "dont I look fabulous and if you dont say yes Ill pout pathetically and then remove you from my friendship roladex."
  7. Flip floppers. Either you like her or you dont. Get with it people. This goes for girls too. Just make up your mind. If you dont, let it go and move the fuck on. If you do, say something now because no one is gonna chase anyone around here, at least no one I know and I only know smexy bishes. Cuz thats how I roll.
  8. Fair Weathers. This is the friend that either A. only wants to talk to you when things are perfect for you but doesnt give you the time of day when things arent so swell or B. abuses the friendship gesture on the other spectrum and only talks to you when they need to say just how much they hate their life because their cat died and their ovaries wont stop bleeding and they ran out of lube so their asshole really does burn. Seriously...get it together.
  9. People who act like they know you because you hang in the same perimeter. No bitch, we aint friends, you lucky Im even letting you breathe my air right now.
  10. Anyone who thinks pachulli is a good scent.
  11. Hating me because someone in your crew hates me. This makes you a sheep. Feel free to get to know me and I will definitely be glad to give you a reason to hate me, one that you can savor all on your own.
  12. Anyone who tps and lands on me and doesnt immedietely fucking move. I know a Kitty Bish is the most pussy youve gotten close to in heaven knows how long but Im not volunteering.
  13. People who quote other peoples opinions about them to get you to see they are good people. I dont give a flying fuck if Princess Di thought you was the shit. The Dali Lama coulda been your homie...we aint friends so their opinion dont mean squat. And even if me and Dali were fuck buddies, I still wouldnt take his word for it. You want me to think you're hot shit, show me something and something quick, a bish got things to do.

I am no longer in the mood to write anything so that is all. And I would just like to point out to my FTNers that you lazy bastards dont leave comments or send me any new FTN! moments so either you are in the group to have a tag with the word FUCK in it or you just aint interested. Either way, I can only write this shit for myself for so long before I too will get bored. If I dont hear squat, Ill assume you people are wiping your ass with these words versus getting anything out of them. This is an active group so feel free participate or FTN! to you too. And PS - if you are wiping, its FRONT TO BACK! Kbye! FTN til the end!


  1. Right on FTN! I can't fucking stand those bitches that all scream "That's my song" after one of them requests Crazy Bitch.
    The song sucks, completely. It's like giving a peanut a blow job.
    WTF do you mean this is your song? You dumbass twats! So your a stupid hooker, is that what your saying?
    FTN you all suck!

  2. I want numbah 4 on a t-shirt please!!

    I got one, Peeps who constantly (not just once) comment out loud on not knowing a song cus they are younger than everyone else in the club in cluding the DJ therefore they think in their little heads they must be cooler. FUck that! I didnt stay living in a bubble of my own making that only let me learn things from the time I hit puberty.. Saying you don't know it just shows your totally uneducated and you blow.

