Friday, October 16, 2009


In starting FTN, the kitty bish made the conscious choice to keep a voice that calls out things a kitty wouldnt like. These are solely my opinions and I dont expect anyone to agree with them, by any means. On that note...

I find it ironic when people play the passive aggressive role of depicting how others should exist. Really? Though I will make shout outs, do I really think its my spot to tell anyone what to do or not do? How to exist? Not in the least. I may have my opinions but I know we arent all the same and how we CHOOSE to spend our time is our CHOICE.

Ive met many people in my time in world. In that time, Ive seen people who are solely rlers, rpers, mixers, etc etc. Do I judge that or care? Nope. Im having too much fun on my own time to really worry about why you exist. What I do have a problem with are people who say they exist completely 100% real here.

Hello, Im a cat. Is the girl a cat in RL? Not likely and if so, the government would have my ass for testing. Do you really look like that in RL? Do you notice no one is old or overweight, flat chested or small dicked? No ones walking around in bummy clothes, though I know there are plenty of bums chilling daily. People with disabilities arent rocking their disabilities. No one does sign language though Im sure we've got some deaf people. Is your hair that color? Do you go to the supermarket dressed in string? Realistically, everyone is playing the fantasy to an extent, whether it is in how you talk, act, dress, live, whatever.

No one is better than anyone else. And if I choose not to divulge certain information while others feel mighty free to talk about themselves, thats fine by me. Does that make one more "real" of a person than the next? Keep thinking that. Yes, there are real people behind it all, there are emotions and feelings and wants and needs and all that jazz. In existing in world, we all make a choice to be whatever we want to be, a depiction of ourselves, who we were, who we want to be, our fantasy, our hope, our whatever.

Some people enjoy escapism, some people enjoy stepping outside of themselves, some people enjoy a fantasy, some people enjoy being creative in what they can and will do, some people enjoy being who they are 24/7. But before we cast stones at whos better or existing for the right reasons, ask yourself...what is the right reason for logging in to a pretend world and doing pretend things and hanging with other pretenders who in all actuality have families and jobs and lives and crimes and sins and pains and feelings and thoughts and actions that have absolutely nothing to do with this place?


If thats why people exist, let them exist on their own terms, their own way, without being self righteous to judge or make proclamations of superiority. I dont know why people come by occassionally, daily, never leave. And to be quite honest, I dont much care. To each his/her own. If you could and did do everything you do here, you wouldnt be here. Youd be out there, doing what you do. So put the stones down, avoid the glass house and enjoy your time for whatever you want it to be. As I will enjoy mine.

This one will go without an official FTN because its an opinion I stand by and something thats probably bigger than an FTN persona.

Many blessings.

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