Thursday, October 8, 2009


Lets pretend for a second...

You are a girl who just got dumped by her girlfriend.
You also just got dropped by your mom.

You im me because I care.

You use the exact words..."I want to die."

You proceed to tell me about said need for death.

You then say "So you good at shopping."

You plan a makeover to get over said girl you want to die over.


YOU NEED HELP! Can you say demented? Do me a favor, teach out your hand. You know what that is? Not your girls face, not her tit, not her pretty wavy hair...ITS A SCREEN YOU JACKASS! Sure, you have some real feelings but shes a god damn cartoon you ungrateful fuck. If a cartoon bitch can make you talk about wanting to die to someone you barely talk to...YOU NEED SOME ZOLOFT! DEPAKOTE! A GUNSHOT TO THE GOD DAMN HEAD!

You are absolutely right, I am a bad person. Because I dont have pity or empathy for emo fucks who use their time to make people cry for them and care if they threaten to harm themselves because they want some god damn attention. Did your father not love you as a child? Is this my problem? Nope, sure aint so save the I wanna die shit for someone who gives a shit, like Dr. Phil.