Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Pulling no stops, I have no love, compassion or respect for anyone who can/chooses to address people with no regard for emotions that may follow. Yes, the kitty bish is brash and in your face, but at the end of the day, if I make you cry, the least I could do and would do is offer your weepy ass a hankie.
For the rest of you, get your head out of your ass and realize that every person you meet, every face you make, everything you say and ESPECIALLY how you choose to say it can be the end all/be all of a situation. FTN! is all about saying what you want to say, a gift given to us in this creation that we should utilize with certainty and conviction. In that same notion, feel free to reep the benefits, both positive and negative from the things you say and how you choose to deliver them. Because even in this pretty world where people can do what they like, there is always repercussions. Enjoy them. I say that with sincerity and only the slightest glint of vengance in my eye. FTN!

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