Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hey Fucknugget...COME ON DOWNNNNN!

The world never ceases to amaze me. Nor do the people in it. I refer to both lives as it is an ever present coincidence that asshats flock into all plains of my sight. With unwavering manipulation, the drones and sheep of the world follow through on their masters daily plans. Moving like cattle, they do as they are told, think what they assume should be thought and react only under prying eyes in a way that will deliver them a smile from judgement.
In just a short matter of time, I have observed and experienced, firsthand, the self-mutilation called comformity. If thats not a word, I just made it up so shut the fuck up and keep readng. Or not, I could really care less at this point. Is the kitty Bish angry, sure, why the fuck wouldnt she be? Is the faint remnants of the chick beyond just a little pissed off, even more so. Because there is no form of escape from the tyrants of the world. The ever present untouchables.
In either life, the sight of little minions scurrying about doing the biddings of their owners is a shameful thing to see. It is even more shameful to hear no voice stand up against such blatant stupidity and control.
Let me be the first to say, the things I find important may mean absolutely nothing to you. And vice versa. You may want a talking belly and the white picket fence in one life and the party girl demeanor in the next. You may want the party girl demeanor because you have the stay at home stuck in a rut syndrome. Fuck if I know, fuck if I care.
My heartfelt annoyance of the day, week, month and year is people who assume that their priority should be yours. For a hypocrite, it is easy to tell a stranger or even a friend, a coworker, a soldier in get the fuck over something. When in all actuality, lifes traumas...trials and tribulations effect us all. Remind me to cry for you over the stupidest fucking thing when the world is facing much bigger issues then you and your demented ideas of relevance.
We all wear masks and we play the game and we put up a front and we say its all real and its all life and its all meaningful and we're such good friends and family and peers and elders and this and that and the next. But the level of selfishness that spews from the lips of babes makes me want to projectile vomit.
If I hear one more person say, "well but I've been through this and I dealt with it," I swear to the all mighty Allah, Buddha, King motherfucking Tut Baby Jesus in a tutu, I will personally make it my mission to ruin your god damned existance. Since when did this become "My trauma can top yours?" Is this a new game show I fucking missed? Because the ratings suck and you should feel utterly ashamed of your lack of emotion and brain matter. Would I stare in the eyes of a Cancer patient and say, "well sucks to be you but um yeah...I got into a car accident and it costs money so dont come crying to me," NO I WOULDNT YOU IDIOTIC SORRY EXCUSE FOR A FUCKING HUMAN BEING! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! Would I look at the AIDS patient and say, "hey yeah, wow that blows but damn if my hemroids aint acting up," UM YEAH THATS A BIG FUCKING HELL TO THE NO!
But if it makes people feel better to play the "I CAN TOP YOUR PAIN GAME," be my motherfucking guest. But be prepared to be deemed a worthless piece of shit. A waste of air. A fearful example of what the youth will grow up striving to be. Pack your bags now lil children and run for cover because if these are the people you have to look up to, I pity you and the shitty life you will lead.
Ive watched people be idolized, fucking worshipped for being tyrants. Ive watched people cover up and make excuses for the unexcusable behaviour of mentally unstable cuntscabs. In our world, whichever you so feel inclined to apply this letter of hate to, employers can DEMAND that you choose work over family, family can stab you in the back and face and smile behind fakeness so pungent, maggots blow chunks, friends can abolish bonds based on unvalidated grievances and then send spies to keep tabs, like a kitty bish dont know.
Let me put out this warning right fucking now: IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I SAY, DEAL WITH IT OR BOUNCE! There is but one voice, one chance, one truth and I refuse to be cattle and say what you want me to say. Im gonna scream to the motherfucking mountains, how I want to, when I want to. I dont very much look good in wool and it makes me itchy, so being a sheep, in ANY life, is NOT an option for me.
Feel free to talk shit amongst yourselves, I'll be sunbathing on my beach. That is all. Oh...almost forgot...

ANYONE who things their priority NEEDS to be my priority...F.T.N!!!!!!!

P.S. If you really want to stress your brain on who this is about, let me let you in something. Theres a 99.9% chance its someone you dont know, will never know so feel free to assume away. Then again, as shitty as people are, Im so fucking sure it can or will apply to someone you do or will know. Hate to break it to you, but they are out there, EVERYWHERE.

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