Sunday, June 7, 2009

Anal Leakage says WHA?

So theres a guy and he kills babies for a living, late term baby killing. This is sad. This is wrong. This makes me want to maim stupid peoples faces with monkey wrenches.

There is a good religious little man. He hates late term baby killers. He thinks "well by golly gee fucking willigers, Ill go kill the baby killer in the name of my lord because Im all sorts of hip and shit."

Demented religious man kills baby killer man

Okay I hate 4 people in this situation. And heres why. (If you think you'll be offended by me talking abortion and religion, LEAVE NOW! Thats the only warning Im giving, if you dont know me by now, you surely will want to run. kbye.)

  1. I hate baby killer man. Now, this is not the talking belly whore whos dancing on the stripper pole type of baby killing. This is real life, baby is six months old so Imma put a pair of scissors in its skull and kill this baby type of baby. This is a touchy area as people blast in morals and ethics and religion, because religion solves all woes and starts all wars, but thats neither here nor there. BUT YOU KILL BABIES! LIKE FOR REALS! YOU KILL BABIES! Whether you believe the late term thing officially makes it wrong, or its wrong to you all the way around or you are very much into baby killing and punting with itty bitty midgets, I mean hell, I dont know you...the guy kills babies...he is offically not cool in my book of coolness.
  2. I hate the lady who waited 6 months to kill her baby. WTF WERE YOU DOING FOR 6 GOD DAMN MONTHS. I dont touch on whether she should or not to begin with because I dont know these chicks, I mean she could have been raped or has a terminal disease, who fucking knows. What I do know is your ass waited 6 MOTHERFUCKING MONTHS to make the choice. Because Oprah had your attention in month 3 and that pint of Ben and Jerry's took up month 5...I mean really people! Were you in the fucking bathroom? Did you wake up after hybernating and go "HOLY FUCKNUGGETS BATMAN, THIS IS NOT A FULL TUMMY FROM MCDONALDS, THIS IS A FUCKING BABY!!!!" -.- You are officially not in my book of coolness.
  3. I hate the guy who killed the baby killer. Okay Mr. Religion. Because if my memory serves me correctly for the like 2 days I payed attention in confirmation class it was this...the old testament was out! Lutherans dont follow that no more hombre. No eye for an eye. You need to keep reading. Cuz for reals, you cant like half ass read that book, I mean I know in Exodus its all like "and someone begot someone and then they begot somebody else and they begot more fucking people," but was it Exodus. Maybe it was Ruth...god damn thats an ugly name. Side note, if you decide to not kill your baby in month 7, dont name the kid Ruth. Thats just fucked up. This guy and anyone who names their kid Ruth is not in my book of coolness.
  4. I hate religious people who are sooooo stoked that baby killer man got killed by religious man. I am speaking from personal fucking experience here. There is nothing scarier then seeing a self proclaimed religious gangsta talk about how fucking awesome it was to hear that the baby killer got a cap busted in his baby killing ass. IM NOT JOKING HERE PEOPLE! This comes from a 40 year old religious woman, of the same demonination as the baby killers killer. "And what better place to recieve judgment then in the house of god." Um seriously...okay so tell the bums now, CHURCH IS NOT SAFE! You will get shot there! Clean up the pews and pay your fucking tithing thingies cuz they will shoot you. In the face. These people are really not in my cool book, for reals!

My personal opinions on abortion and religion are so not relevant in this situation. The story I see here is simple, baby killer mutilates babies who had a fucking chance. Religious man thinks he got skills and permission to alleviate the world of Baby Killer Scissorhands. Religious people, some not all, back this psycho up. No one is right in this situation. And if I was actually one of any faith, I would say little Baby Jesus in a tutu-Allah-Vishnu Caravan-Buddha-Princess Di would so be really pissed the fuck off right now. Stop doing stupid shit in the name of your God. If they wanted it done...THEIR FUCKING GOD, THEY WOULD HAVE DONE IT YOU DRIPPY ANAL SACK! ffs!

Weird people who take up the cover of the newspaper and make it hard for me to find the movie listing sections...F.T.N!

P.S. And if your gonna kill baby killer man, dont shoot him, stab him in the head with a pair of thats Karma and makes for a way better Lifetime T.V movie...kbye!


  1. Ooooo, the abortion issue. Now aint that some scary shit.
    I'm not going to rundown a "how I feel" on the issue but, I will say this.
    Shooting someone and killing them for no good reason is total bullshit. Now, I know some people think it was a good reason, but I assure you, it wasn't. Catching your husband or wife in bed with your best friend might me grounds for crazy shooting time.
    Your not the fucking law or fucking God for that matter so what you think really doesn't matter nutjob!! If you don't like abortions then take legal action to get the laws changed moron.
    That's about all I have to say on this issue.

  2. This is so far my favorite FTN!
    Crazy isn't it, the guy says hey, he kills babies and murder is a sin so I'm gonna murder him in the name of God. How does that make any sense? If you want to do something good for society go vigilante on those wackos that molest and hurt children.
    I can't get pregnant and was blessed to be able to adopt both my boys and I'm continually thankful the birthmom didn't abort MY babies!

  3. I would just like to point out that none of these people are in my book of coolness. Especially those chicks named Ruth...that is all.
