Monday, March 22, 2010


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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weight A Minute

This is my fuck you face. -.-

When the fuck did everyone else become the god damn police about how much someone else should weigh. Mind you, this bitch (that would be me outside of SL) just had a baby...a month ago.

Things you dont say/do to a pregnant woman...FYI since you nasty bitches didnt seem to know this when the girl was carrying her baby:

  1. oooooo, you have twins? No bitch, Im just fat!
  2. Wow, you look...good. No bitch, Im fat!
  3. Oh you'll lose all that before you know it. WHAT THE FUCK IS "ALL THAT." Are you gesturing to my fat ass or the round belly which is A CHILD!
  4. You should do - insert workout here- Hey, you should shut the fuck up.
  5. Ask if I have stretch marks - no bitch, I dont. You wanna hate now or later?
Things you dont say/do to a woman who has JUST had a child - for you assclowns that keep sending me emails:

  1. Recommend a diet - I like my pretty fat ass thank you very much so back the fuck up!
  2. Ask how much I weigh and comment with "Dont worry, it wont last" - Do I look worried? This middle finger pointed up at you isnt my worried gesture, its my you better get the fuck outta my face gesture with all that noise.
  3. Try to make me feel guilty when you order a salad and I order a cheeseburger - I am sorry you fucking graze the fields but I am not a god damned rabbit.
  4. Say "I hate you," when you find out how much I do weigh because Ive finally told you so you will go away. Do you hate me? really? Dear me, Im so fucking sorry I just happen to have a fast fucking metabolism. How bout you blame your fucking sloth of a mother and father. Genetics mamita...not my problem.
  5. Say stupid shit like "Enjoy it while it lasts," why yes, yes I will. All while strutting my shit.
If your fat, rock out your fat ass. If your skinny, rock them bones. If you got it, show it off and rub it down. And fuck the noise people make. Im so pretty I'd fuck myself. Thats all I need to know. Now shoo, Im busy.