Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekends Dont Bring An End To Stupidity

FTN! to...

People who floor it when you try to pass them on the highway. Is there a point to this other than being a complete fucking douchebag? Dont mind the fact you could have caused a head on collision...did you miss the whole oncoming traffic thing? What the fuck is it with people? Im not sure how this seems logical, one would think random break checking of people and swerving, gunning it for the sake of a race at 75 MPH because you have nothing else better to do...Your face is officially hated by me and I curse the twat you came out of.

People who claim higher connection but willingly snuff someone obviously down on their luck. No, you never know whos scamming you. But a man on the side of the road asking for food...what harm is there in giving him a fucking cheeseburger? Rather than indulging in that second set of biggie fries for your fat ass, how bout you think outside of yourself and feed someone else. There are two things you just dont deny the and shelter. Okay so, dont pick up every stranger but what have you lost by offering some food? No one is immune from falling that far down.

People who are genuinely proud of their clever little wording, "yayyy I turned that into a derogatory statement, who gets an A + for assclown behaviour?" Do you want a gold star? For being a closed minded idiot? Is no one else appalled by the stupidity? Why did everyone go quiet? Silence is just about as effective as indifference. "Was that really necessary?" Yeah, you got nothing because it wasnt and that "saved" soul of yours is fucking ugly. Thanks for continuing to be the prime example of why religion and hypocrisy are synonymous to so many. Because hateful is godly...Im getting it now.

People who ignore the word "No." You are not privileged. It still means the same thing, back then and now. Its not changing and this isnt hard to get. But just in case you missed it...No still means just that; No.

People who say the word evolution in bunny ears. "Evolution." Whos to say what anyone believes in, or should believe in. Man, I love that thing called choice or perspective. But if you feel so inclined to do so, I suddenly feel so inclined to bunny ear "God," "Marriage," "Love," "Faith," "Trust," ...I could go on and on. "Nooo, of course I respect your "faith." You see how condescending that can be? "Of course I "love" you." Keep the bunny ears to yourself or Ill be forced to go royally thumper on your ass till you get my drift of just how fucking moronic you look right now.

People who make stupid comments like "well, I cant respect his art because of his personal choices." Okay, so that guy was a snitch. He snitched to get as little time in a prison as possible. Was that the best choice, who knows. But idolizing someone else despite their willngness to kill innocent a fucking moron. An artist is an artist. Should it be defined by his daily actions? That is a question that could be debated for years to come. Poe would be wiped out as anything worthy, Im sure all the wife beaters would be too, how bout the drug addicted artists, the drunks, the liars and schemers? Whatever side you sit consistant. If the snitch lost all respect as an artist, so does the dog killer.

People are not flawless but Im losing faith in the intellectual standing of the species. Maybe Ill go hibernate. Wake me when there is something to be proud of. Right now...Im not so sure there is.